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1. New glossmap for the body.

2. Updated materials.

3. New AO map.

4. Added new grille in front of the radiator (3d model).

5. Updated shading.

6. Added damper adjustments to setup options.

7. Added new #32 Yardley paint scheme.




Where is a download link....????

Historic Sim Studios

You will need to link your Patreon account to Discord, you can find all of the instructions here: https://discord.gg/FTuszVh3gp


I am getting a Google graphic effect in VR. If I lean way forward it disappears. Can I turn this off or can it be adjusted backwards so I can't see it?


I signed up with Patreon and linked my Discord but when I click on mod links in Discord it asks me to pay another subscription ? Is that the only way to get the early access mods ? Sorry but I finding this confusing !

Archibald Haddock

Be careful ! The drawing of the bands is not correct ;-) Here: https://i.postimg.cc/PrF0nT0H/brm.jpg