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Link: https://streamable.com/s9vmb1

NOW WHY HE ATE THAT SHIT UP AT THE END!! Like I had to double take that cause Cole ain’t come to play at all. He’s not the triad like wow that’s insane to think about. Also my kids STOP the bickering I can’t handle this!!



Stephanie Johns

This episode is everything and so is your reaction!! Awesome!!


hey miss mamas, Cole k wording the triad is not a normal feat. They are like the Charmed Ones they are weaker the less there is of them or when they aren't together. So when he vanquished the first one with the knife it made it that much easier to get the other two. Also this is the first time since season 1 where we saw energy balls haven seen them since Andy d*ed. That man Cole is DOWNN for Phoebe I needs a man like that!


The way I thought these triad ppl was powerful HELP!! Cole def weak in the knees I fear


Oh honey they are Cole just snuck on them. Cause they thought no one would be as bold to attack them let alone k word one but all three?! Unheard of. They are Upper Level Demons basically one below The Source very few demons that we encounter are Upper Level and very few can be vanquished cause of the high resistance ability they have. Which means a powerful witch power or spell of the same or greater magnitude is the only way to do the deed. Since Belthazor is an Upper Level that means Cole is too he just cleaned house. Who knows how the underworld will feel about his betrayal or is this a plan. Who knows

Cameron james

“Now who tf spread that book, b!tch? Please!” Took me OUT!🤣😫