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| tiefenrauschen 2020 | a digital exhibtion | Day One - Artwork I

The first artwork was an artwork from 2020. The Titel "Snake Lake" is caused by the fact that there was a little snake in the lake at tha place we captured this image (just a moment before we made it!). The artwork was captured in June 2020 as a part of my 5th (and last) shooting with wonderfull Elena at Trier/Germany

Muse: Dreadheart
Series: "Undertow"
Titel: "Snake Lake"

This artwork is available as a HQ-Print in different formats
60*40 cm -
64€ (normal price 80€ - 20% Off for my Patrons)
45*30 cm -
30*20 cm -

(all prices incl. packing and shipping within germany - other countries? Please ask me)

If you want to purchase a print please drop me a message!!



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