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Alright, getting back into the swing of things with a cute little piece, hopefully. It's kinda a redraw of a much older thing too <3

As for me: I managed about an hour of comic work yesterday then got pretty sick feeling :/ I'm back at my day job for like half days (My boss is the sweetest)
I still don't have answers. My doctor thinks the sedation used during the oral surgery caused it, like an allergy. It's affected something called bilirubin in my liver. They levels are very up where they shouldn't be (Here's a pic of test result that I still don't comprehend, for fun). I have another blood test this week to see if the levels are coming down on their own. If not, this is something else. Also I am YELLOW. I am still jaundice. No one seems to be telling me how to help with that so I've just been trying to get sun, and eat well. (Which is a whole other struggle rn)

I've been abruptly taken off all my meds. So the treatment I was going through for depression and anxiety is gone. The medicine I was taking to help control my (newly discovered) PCOS is gone. Because they're processed through the liver. It's been really rough. But I think it's getting better <3

I really appreciate and love each and every one of you guys. Thank you for sticking with me



Emma Johnson

Good, stay positive. I hope it will get better.


Hope things are finally on an upswing and they can get it all figured out.


Glad you are beginning to feel at least a little better! Rest up and stay positive! 🖤


Sending you my well wishes! Happy that you've got good people around you. That always makes things better.

Grey Amber

I wish you the best and to fully heal !

Bill Meahan

So glad things are looking a little better. Hope things continue to improve!