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for bikini season !

It's summer time, and despite everything that's going on and will make it less enjoyable than usual, I still have to find sexy girls in bikni and truss them up. I believe it's mandatory.
The question is who ? I count on you to answer that =)

No more than one character suggestion per person please. I don't know yet if I'll make a poll or pick those that inspire me the most. They can be girls or boys or whatever gender or species, as long as they're old enough.



I can't remember if they ever put her in one, but Tahani from The Good Place would look great so adorned.


My sugestion is Khadra from "Captured by Dark Elves".

Belle Wenska

Melia from Xenoblade Chronicles please!


I still vote Alisaie from FFXIV Shadowbringers. She would look great in a bikini with plenty of ropes for extra protection ;p


I try "again" Queen Azshara from warcraft

Verixa Okblek

Saane from Monster Musume maybe? :P (never seen you draw a Satyr girl before)


Safana from Baldur's Gate