[Update] Vanilla Achievements Expanded 1.5 (Patreon)
Hey folks!
Sarg has been working hard on a new update for Vanilla Achievements Expanded. Here's a changelog:
Update on 5/10/2024 11:38:37 AM.
Updated for RimWorld 1.5
Removed: ImmunityHediffTracker, as it was the only one that had obvious performance
impact, and it was only used for 1 achievement
Removed: DevModeTracker. You will now get no penalties from getting any achievement in dev mode. You do you. Cards will also not say "unlocked via dev mode" anymore
Removed: custom tracker system, but included the functionality of some of the custom trackers on the main mod
Added: 14 new trackers for new functionality, including things related to DLCs
Added: mod option to remove rewards being purchased with achievement points (rewardless mode)
Added: mod option to collate mod tabs, so if you use many achievement adding mods the list of tabs doesn't grow to absurd levels
Added: 52 new achievements, 17 of them for base game, the rest are DLC related
Added: new system where Anomaly related achievements show up as hidden until the player reaches a given Monolith level, to avoid spoilers
Tweak: lots of fields added to the existing trackers, such as counting only slaves, counting quality on items, etc
Fix: Temporary colonists shouldn't count towards population achievements now
Added: two new trackers, AbilityCountTracker and AbilityUseTracker
Added: 13 more new achievements
Tweak: proper debug strings for all the new trackers