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Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Bioferrite aims to bring several new weapons inspired by the hellcat rifle in Anomaly DLC. These weapons will have unique, triggerable abilities that consume bioferrite charges. Without adding too much bloat, this mod allows you to unlock unique, useful guns as long as you have bioferrite to sustain them.

From a short range shotgun capable of blasting your enemies with intense heat, through a battle rifle with an underbarrel flare gun, to a bolt action rifle with a long bioferrite bayonet, you will be able to really utisile this new resource in whatever way you want.

If you have Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates, you may enjoy the new Warbolter warcasket weapon, and with Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy, you can enjoy the powerful heavy incinerator.

Vanilla Weapons Expanded is part of a series of mods expanding on everyday life on the Rimworld. When paired together with a brand new Vanilla Apparel Expanded and Vanilla Armours Expanded, you can bring something to your game that will keep you interested in it for days.


Steam Workshop::Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Bioferrite

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"Heavy incinerator" yes please

William Labes

Sweet, i can't wait to play this on my day off!


its a shame you didnt take advantage of anything related to deadlife dust, a dust sprayer would be really cool!

jacob flynn

this would be freaking awesome! probably super overpowered but that’s okay!

jacob flynn

wow can’t wait to add this to my anomaly playthrough, thanks VE team!


Awesome line-up and a fun Warhammer 40k reference! I love that you actually implemented @dan surratt's idea! The combination of a melee and ranged weapon is great and especially useful as I don't use "simple sidearms" or a similar mod. I'm curious to see if I'm willing to accept the compromise of low fire rate, which is probably necessary for balance reasons. (An assault rifle with melee capabilities would have been OP, I guess).


A bolter and a melter. A blessing from the emperor!