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Hello everyone and welcome to a new roadmap post!

Sorry we skipped one last month. There's no other reason we did other than I was busy. I recently moved to a new house and I was sorting everything out, so I didn't know what the release schedule would look like.

Since the last roadmap, we have released the final content update for Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids 2, adding a brand new boss-level insectoid as well as many new structures and QoL features.

Sarg has cooked a Vanilla Food Variety Expanded mod that really adds some much needed depth to what your colonists want to eat and how they feel about it.

Vanilla Anomaly Expanded - Insanity was also released, inspired by the works of HP Lovecraft, you can now see your colonists succumb into madness.

Work on Medieval 2 is still ongoing - we have the first stage of the mod more or less done: this means that the content we wanted to keep from both Medieval and Vikings is in and working. Now, we're focusing on adding the new content - including an alchemy system, new weapons, new structures, a new faction and much more!

We have a new addition in development too, a mod I announced to you recently: Vanilla Quests Expanded - The Generator. It's really a lot of fun designing it, and oh boy does it give a lot of power on highest tiers. I reckon you will love it.

I have decided to move Exploration Expanded back to planned mods since we didn't do any work on it recently. There has been some development hiccups and issues arising, and I need a clear head to be able to tackle them. I have replaced it on the roadmap with a new xenotype mod we have been working on: Vanilla Races Expanded - Flesher. Really a grotesque monstrosity mod, allowing you to keep a half-fleshbeast half-human in your colony!

As always, our focus is on quality over quantity. Since we have over a 100 mods in our collection, this means it's absolutely critical for us that our mods release well polished, well tested, with a breadth of content that feels like something Ludeon would've done. That's why while the development might feel slow, we're actually putting in more hours than ever. I hope the quality of Insectoids 2 shows the amount of time we spend on our mods.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments below!




Thanks for the update, Oskar. Moving house can turn your whole life upside down. Been there, done that. It's actually quite impressive that you're already focused enough to continue your work. The "demotion" of Exploration Expanded is sad, though. I hope it is indeed only temporary and not the first sign of it being dropped for good. Especially as 'The Generator' encourages the player to travel overland a bit more (if I understood you correctly). Both mods will benefit greatly from each other, I imagine.


What to expect from imperial vehicles? They are better than tier 3? Will we have own flying shuttle to fast deploy and retreat troops? Helies have slow animation of landing and sometimes is better to use a permit for shuttle from nobles.


Tier does not represent level of power, it represents specialization and difficulty to obtain. Imperial vehicles are tier 2. This means that, upon getting techprints for them, they can be constructed easily in your base. They are spacer vehicles. All you have right now are industrial vehicles.

Verity Ottaway

Looking forward to Medieval 2, Ive been holding off on experiencing Insectoids 2 as I want my first experience to be brave knights against the chitinious menace


Really enjoying the current road map situation. It's weird we have a month where we aren't testing something directly related to VE but I'd like to give Helexian a special honor when it comes to that. Edit: Aye the Flesher thing is new to me, it looks cool.


Mostly here waiting for the vikings, but sure got my interest with the rest. Ultratech is also something I can't wait for

Gertjan Van Damme

Just one question: for the mining mod, the current one i use requires the manual movement of pawns and resources betweenthe levels. is the plan for pawns to autonomously move and haul goods between the levels?


Things like that can’t come without massive performance loss - at the end of the day, you wouldn’t just be scanning one map for jobs for your colonist, but several, greatly reducing your performance. At this point I’m unable to say how we will tackle this.

Jason McGinn

Thoughts and prayers for Exploration Expanded :*(

BrenTenkage's Gaming

well least stuff is being worked on, also hope the move is working out.

Colin Lehr

I've been hoping for the Megacorp mod for what feels like years!


It was years, but that's fine because we released dozens of other mods in the meantime! It's not like I'm dragging you along with nothing else to show for the time spent!

Valentin Maire

Really excited to learn more about that Flesher xenotype. I've created my fair share of horror custom xenotypes and can't wait to see what the team will come up with for this one.


Thanks for the Anomaly themed mods, Flesher seems very exciting!

Brandon Pollastri

Flesher is looking grand. Eager to learn more.


I can't wait for Medieval 2.

Lord Duckian

Really looking forward to seeing the imperial vehicles mod, one thing that I always felt was missing in my empire run was a massive trading convoy travelling to an imperial settlement, only for it to be ambushed by deserters. Is there any idea what kind of vehicles, aside from those already shown in the previous mods and base game, that will be added?

warren overstreet

Vanilla Health Expanded sounds like it will be really interesting. I'm excited to see what it will do once it releases


Technical question if you don't mind, would the performance loss more managable if it was only one small map? Background for the question: There is an mod for an RV with an own dimension, I really like the idea of a movable base, but having to manually move pawns in and out makes it very tedious. I assumed this wasn't possible at all, but after reading your answer here I had to ask :D


Size does matter but not as much. Scanning for two locations is still 2x more scanning. Then there’s also the matter of priority of jobs too - each job needs to decide which ‘floor’ to prioritize.


Shame to hear about Exploration getting pushed back, but I know it's better to get it right. Still looking forward to it. Basic exploration is just so... flat.

Paton Yecla

A suggestion for VFE: Medieval: would it be possible to include animal armour? Animal Gear is a mod that allows this, i've used it in a rimhammer playthrough and works quite well. It would be fantastic to face the dangers of the rim on our armoured steeds!

Paton Yecla

Actually it doesn't, just introduces the platform for it. The author has a couple mods of animal gear as well


I’m not going to lie animal armor is not something I’m looking to explore anytime soon, sorry.

Paton Yecla

i think it would fit very well that the medieval start had some barded horses, or that some of the viking animals could equip some armour if you tame them


We currently don’t have the technology to make animals wear armor and we don’t want to add stuff that relies on a third party mod. I don’t have any resources to devote to make the tech on our end.

Paton Yecla

Thats completely understandable, im really looking forward to a medieval run 😁


I'm gonna cry a river when Medieval 2 is released !!

Nathan Gadoury

VE - diplomacy is still up there, so I suspect it isn't scrapped yet but still very much could be?


I’m toying with the idea, but until it moves into design stage, its fate isn’t certain.


Vikings is integrated into Medieval 2 now but you probably already knew that.

The Blue Tempalr

how about mounting animals? I know there is a mod for that, but maybe you could add your VE touch to it? No worries though, my knights can do the job with a greataxe too


The only mod that’s there is giddy up which is discontinued by roolo who will not work on it again. We can’t just take his code, because that’s not how it works. We can exactly code it ourselves because it took roolo a year to code it and it was very heavy on the maintenance as it broke often. Definitely outside of the scope for a medieval faction mod.


Is there still hope for Childhood Expanded?


Medieval 2 - a new faction for 1 in total, or in addition to those we already know from the old version?

Hanss Kloss

When will the Medieval 2 mod be released? I'm looking forward to it very much <3


Major changes to factions - there will be 3 in total, with another 6 disabled at game start but can be enabled at world creation.


Will Medieval 2 have ideology integration? I always thought some of the vikings stuff could be a style. Like the columns


Stephan Schany

The Flesher looks interesting. At a guess she eats raw meat for upgrade points (maybe getting more from Twisted Meat?) which she then spends on extra limbs and healing, transforming the limbs back (at a refund) to switch to new configurations. With some of the better stuff maybe requring skill levels e.g. melee and medical.

michael Wrightson

What's the overall idea behind expanded diplomacy? From what it looks like it seems that it'll deal with factions laying claim to tiles on the world map, could you explain more about the idea?


The idea is that each factions leader will have agendas that will dictate how their faction sees you. They would also control territory, which means traveling through enemy land would result in ambushes etc, while travelling through friendly lands results in caravans and so on. But that’s so far it: in fact, the mod is halfway on the chopping block due to lack of technical knowledge to actually code it.

Jippy (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-20 09:52:02 The new race looks cool! 😄
2024-11-10 21:16:44 The new race looks cool! 😄

The new race looks cool! 😄

Jordan Blackmon

Were Exploration and Diplomacy going to work hand in hand? Really wish the worlds felt more alive, Being able to visit and interact with other factions would be awesome but sounds daunting to make.


Could have the building that travels between z levels be a massive cargo elevator which acts as a stockpile sharing it's items between all z levels. Workaround like that might help the performance limitations.

Gertjan Van Damme

Aha, basically put the request for resources on the elevator(which works between both maps) and if it can't find it on on the mine map it creates a build task on the main map

Marco Antonio Magallon

Glad that Diplomacy isn't quite yet forsaken. It has always been the thing that most sticks out to me on these roadmaps, since it would really make the planet mean something besides just "caravan days travelled for resources". I get that it has technical hurdles associated however. If I may I'd like to suggest a peek at this mod, Map Mod Framework. The creator NozoMe is also working on a Faction Territory mod, outlined at the bottom of the description page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3296654393

Joel Fitzgibbon

Are the old gene manufactured insectoids being added to Vanilla genetics expanded?

Sindre Måge

Really looking forward to Medieval 2 Vikings and Freya were my favorite mods. Will it include an option to limit technology of the generated world? If so that would be fantastic! You guys are doing amazing work!


I’ll try. We will have to design a new way for that to happen but we will try. The problem is: we’re not really adding enough medieval content to really warrant slashing 50% of the game away, which means if you limit tech, your game will simply feel less complete.

Sindre Måge

Very understandable, I've found that sometimes slashing content makes the game feel a bit more manageable. There is so much technology and content, so doing a pure medival run felt refreshingly "simple". Obviously endings, quests etc. Become less varied. But I could imagine the Ideology type ending could be implemented somehow, but I have no idea how demanding or difficult that is. And am 100% certain that the mod will be fantastic no matter what!


See and that’s the thing, you’re already stating the obvious: that some sort of new exclusive content to that tech lock playthrough is necessary. We don’t really want to put in the effort into something that will only be seen by maybe 10% of our users. You’re absolutely right though, there’s gaps that would need to be filled with content of some kind.

Sindre Måge

I see that, it's a nieche within a nieche so putting that much effort in is not a good priority.

Geiles Lama

Hey, can I ask how big your team is? I'm baffled by the quality and rate of the new content but also I'm amazed by how you keep coming up with new stuff to implement.


Oh we have quite a few members! I personally write design documents, come up with mods, write implementation tasks, manage the programmers and do all the art. Coding is handled by RedMattis, Erdelf, Sarg, Taranchuk and Arquebus. Xml is handled mostly by xrushha. Reel does our screenshots. Bread mo sometimes helps with art when I'm too overloaded with work.


what the hell is a flesher


diplomacy expanded finna be' aweseomsauce 😁

Jiří Bohaček

With all the new xenotypes and factions, one thing that got to me was the ammount of additional factions. Maybe, a possible VE mod could be a small faction working not as a nation state, but as an outcast faction for different xenotypes? i.e. 1/5 Saurian, 1/5 VE Pigskin, 1/5 Boarskin, 1/5 Lycan and 1/5 VE Hussar ? Possibly called Rough Outcasts, and friendly variant Civil Outcasts ?


I’m curious to know what bits and pieces from The Witcher hunt mod will be included in Medieval 2. Are you guys willing to share any insight? Also. What about the creatures added from Vikings. Are they returning? This might be the wrong blog to post this question on. If so my bad.

Polar Potato

With Imperial Vehicals, is there any thought towards vehical transportation similar to 'RimThunder - Liberty of Delivery' I enjoy Vehicles however after getting a helicopter the time cost needed to get a convoy of armor to any quests makes them difficult to use.