[DEVBLOG#181] Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical infographics (Patreon)
Hello folks, I have something you've been all waiting for.
I admit this mod took way longer than I anticipated, and that's because it took so much design and coding effort to actually make it interesting and meaningful instead of just adding a faction with different looking swords.
So right about now the mod is on the final stretch and should be released shortly. We also have many new additions to the roadmap, big ones too, so I can't wait to talk to you about those!
Now, lets take a look at all the stuff Classical faction mod has to offer.
So yeah, that's about it. Quite a big mod with lots of cool, early game content. You can unite the republics too, and guess what: You know those pesky senators? Once you become the emperor, you don't need them anymore. You can slay all of them and you will maintain the benefits of every single one of them.
Obligatory: I am the senate.
Thank you all very much, let me know what you think, and how you've been keeping this year so far!