[Survey] Vanilla Expanded needs your help! (Patreon)
We are currently working on Vanilla Factions Expanded - Tribal and we need your help to make sure the numbers are balanced. Please access the form below, check the instructions and give us balanced, realistic numbers!
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Tribals is a new mod we are developing. It will allow you to start as a tribe of wild men and work your way towards becoming a tribe. A feature that has been commonly requested is an ability to advance your tech level - and this mod will bring that, and more!
Using this form I intend to collect a large selection of suggestions in regard to balancing of something called Cornerstones.
Cornerstones are unique, permanent buffs that affect your entire colony. They are not meant to be massive - you have precepts in Ideology for massive buffs. Instead, cornerstones are our way of rewarding you for progressing through the ages. Each time you advance your tech level (by researching all previous technologies), you will be able to perform a special ritual which grants you a cornerstone point.
These cornerstone points can then be redeemed for one of the cornerstones. These buffs are permanent and cannot be changed, and show what your colony and playthrough is all about.
This form will list out all cornerstones and their effects, and I will ask you to fill it in with numbers that you think are adequate for these buffs. Remember: We do not want cornerstones to be powerful. They're meant to be a small help, and the more general the buff is, the smaller it should be.
Please write only numbers. Do not write questions, explanations, suggestions, new formulas etc. In the short-answer fields below, only write what X should be.
When writing them, think: What would I believe to be a viable number, without it also being too OP or dominating the gameplay?