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Hello everyone and welcome to one of your favourite kinds of development blogs.

Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Tier 3 is slowly moving into public testing, after which it will be released on Steam. It's a pretty big mod with quite extensive new mechanics, but I am sure a lot of you will enjoy what it has to offer.

As with the base Vehicles Mod, you can expect that Tier 3 will be getting semi-regular updates with new Tier 3 vehicles in the future. A lot of the vehicles already present in this mod were in fact requested by you guys in a typical tuesday suggestions thread!

Let's take a look at what mechanics and vehicles you can expect from Tier 3 on release day!

Let me know if you're excited about what's coming, and what things in particular you are the most excited about!


Effu Cee

I was way too entertained by the Hermano's naming


No passengers in the Cherokee? Dang. This looks incredible though.


I'm looking forward to using these in a raiding party. I've had fun raiding with Tier 1/2 but Tier 3 feels like a really good point to start sending out a raiding party for multiple settlements at a time. The Udar for sieging, Paladin for defense/troop transport, and Marshal for both. Hermano for food and medicine. Truck for storage. Very excited! So thank you, Phil and the team for opening up further gameplay for me. Can't wait to see what you do for Air and Sea stuff!


What do you use to make the runway centerline and stripes?


On these screenshots? they're not actually ingame screenshots, it's a runway I drew in illustrator :)


Looks Great! Can't wait to Finally go Exploring to find the Wrecks!