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Finally. No new releases until Steam sorts their shit out. Hopefully it will be sorted by the end of the week.


Steam Workshop::Vanilla Races Expanded - Fungoid

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Desktop app sucks. Mobile app sucks. Doesn’t surprise me.


Thank you for another great mod! May I ask you if it's worth waiting for Tribals to be released until I start a new playthrough or is it still a little far away?


That depends. Do you want to have your next playthrough oriented around being a bunch of savages with no ability to do basic tasks? Because tribal faction mod exists solely for players wanting to do an even earlier tech start than New Tribe. You probably won’t benefit from having the Tribal faction mod if you start crashlanded etc

Ian Napier

I found a kinda annoying effect of the Mind Coalescence gene, if a baby has it then crying or laughing will be applied to the whole colony. Which isn’t usually a huge deal but can kill the whole colony if it happens during a raid since if undrafts everyone and they can’t be redrafted until they stop. This may be a known effect but I don’t know if it’s intended or not.