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Hey there everyone!

We're approaching new year and this means we will be soon populating the roadmap with new mod ideas for 2024. I come to you asking for input.

What sort of mods would you like to see most? What sort of areas of the game are in dire need of expanding?

Let me know in the comments!



I would like to see an integration of the mechanoid factions mod into the biotech dlc. Because it is to similar to build drones in both expansions. Is this hard to accomplish?


It’s not hard, but it’s not something we want. Droids are sufficiently different in how they work. They don’t require bandwidth, they are weaker but produce no toxic waste, and most importantly don’t require an expensive DLC that not everyone has. You don’t remove assault rifles just because charge rifles exist, don’t remove droids just because mechanoids exist :)

사 울

It would be great to see another vanilla-style event addition mode like Vanilla Event Expanded! However, this time, rather than events that occur in my settlement, how about a mode that focuses on events that occur somewhere on the world map and can be visited and enjoyed directly? A vehicle mode has also been added this time, so it looks like more diverse ideas will come out!


I feel like an area of the game that needs expanding is exploration: more sites that are old remnants or maybe active insectoid or mechanoid hives. an example of the stuff i mean is the Ancient hydroponic farm facilities mod