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Hey Everyone! Where Do I Even Begin?

First off, please enjoy some of my finest animated work and without a doubt, the Raunchiest sequence I've ever done! It's amazing how the goalpost keeps getting moved further and further back!

Black Widow vs Catwoman turns 2 Years Old Tomorrow, and what better way to celebrate than with this delicious sequence? Trust me guys, I wish this was the climax to their second full fight sequence, but just these 15 seconds took me the entire weekend.. This was an easy 35+ Hours of work, and I can't describe how exhausting it is. I'm sure the results speak for themselves.

Comment Below!! I want you guys to be as unapologetic as I am! Tell me your real thoughts!!!


I think with something so unapologetically dirty, I just want to reiterate that my work is an over-correction to the social zeitgeist we are a part of currently. There is a very heavy crippling guilt that I have to overcome, each time I create a project.

There's a valid discussion going on about Conservative Commentaries on YouTube, and I don't subscribe to that conversation in any capacity. Instead of fueling hatred and division, I'd rather empower the communities that feel impoverished. It's abundantly clear what is absent in our current pop culture. Pop Culture, IS Culture, and the more it is diluted, The more I think we lose something as a society. Our Entertainment is so self-referential, because our media is so integral to our identity and culture.

Look, AI is around the corner and we all know that. Best Case Scenario is that there are MASSIVE job lay offs worldwide in the next 5 or 10 years, and then some sort of universal income is offered, because there aren't enough jobs to go around. If you want my prediction, I think screens will be outlawed, or deemed completely fictitious, as misinformation and deception have no potential limit. The entire Global Economy will be changed, and every moment I spend meticulously animating frames, is a moment, I understand to be wasted.

The truth is we are living in incredible times...and I feel my grasp on sanity slipping day by day.

You could hardly blame me though. I wake up on a Friday morning, check my phone, and within a Single Minute of being awake, I see horrific Combat Footage, over the internet. Of course, so many of us live in a state of constant anxiety. There are just no certainties in life.

Just a few weeks ago we lost Akira Toriyama, and No "Celebrity Death" will stick with me more for as long as I live. Losing him, made me rethink many things.... We all need to remember the Lessons we learned from Goku and Vegeta. Always push! There are Solutions! Work hard, and overcome your obstacles! You have the Power!

Alright, that's enough of that. Sorry for being out of touch for so much of this month! This amazing sequence is dedicated to all the people who understand how much I wish I could give to the community. You guys deserve a special treat for sticking around, being patient and being very positive.

Thank you so much for watching and being with me through this crazy ride.

Love, Forever



Absolutely amazing man the sounds the facial expressions its al perfect. I cant even imagine the time and effort you put in these videos for us so all i can do is thanks you for all this and i hope i can keep suporting you on patreon. Your truly an amazing artist bro man. Wish you the best


Thanks for all the amazing messages, ToeTzie! Don't get me wrong, It was difficult making this, but my goodness does this have the right to exist! In all my years, I can't say I've seen anything quite like it, and its a void that desperately needed filling. I'm honored to bring these to life. Thank you so much and looking forward to making as much content as I can.


More Comments Guys, Come on, Lets Hear it!