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this breaks my heart, but the audio was unacceptable and not up to my standards. I don't know if a setting was off when exporting, but that simply doesn't fly with me.

I had to take the video down, which sucks, because it got 50 likes in 30 minutes, and a great number of people saw it live. But unfortunately, I can't allow it to stay live, in the condition that its in. If you missed it, don't worry, it'll be uploaded again soon.

I apologize, but that's why every day I work on it is important.

I'm sorry I'm such a fucking mess.



The audio for the music or the sounds?


Can't wait to re watch it with good dialogue sound.


I enjoyed the hell out of it!


I realized what went wrong. It's stupid, but in my audio Mixer, Blender video editing File, was down at 8 Volume, to accurately forecast what it is, I need to put the volume in Blender at 100, and adjust the audio accordingly. This is heart breaking and I haven't had a blunder this bad since I started uploading to Youtube


Damn sucks. I would rather just add audio on capcut or any other editing software.