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So sadly, I was out on a business trip, and a group of women drugged me and robbed me of my bank accounts, phone, and even my investments!

Maybe this is divine justice for Animating Sexy Catfights….

Jokes aside, It put me in a very dark spot, but I am slowly recovering from this Nightmare.

If anyone wants to help me out and make another donation for me to buy a new phone, I'd appreciate it!

Best and Love you guys!! Hope you're all doing well!!! :)

Be safe out there, Everyone!!!



Fuck. Sorry to hear that


Thanks Dude...Yeah They got into my investment account and were able to sell my entire life savings. I'm doing everything I can, but its not looking good. Fuck my life


I know that feeling. Not drugged but folks have hacked into my account to spend a shitton of money for junk