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Hey Guys, Wanted to share a little idea I've had for the longest time. 

Lara Croft enters a Broadway show in an attempt to steal the Philosophers stone. I femme fatale appears behind her and draws a gun. Lara, quick to react, turns and grapples with her. She is revealed to be Helena Douglass. The two beauties tumble onto stage in front of an audience. Their opposite dresses twirl in an acrobatic display of dynamic action!!"

I love the idea of Adventurous Lara Croft, caught in an the opposite setting. Too good of an Idea not to share!

Lara Croft by konradM96

Want to give full Credit to Konrad for making the best and most faithful adaption of the character

Would love to animate a fight scene sometime in the future. 

Batgirl vs Harley is going well! Will be sharing previews by the end of the week!!



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