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Hey Guys, wanted to share an exciting moment in the animation!

I'd say I'm just around halfway done with Lara Croft vs. Cassie Cage, Enjoy the cute little Jiggle if you can catch it! My cinematography takes good care of you ;)

PS. Batgirl VS Harley has experienced a delay. Although Complete, the Video editing file has failed to render all the way through without crashing. Please bear with me on this one, you guys know I always deliver.




I hope this fight is not as one sided as you're making it out to be XD


HA! Yeah, thanks for keeping me in check there. It's true, doing my short research for the Rebooted Lara Croft, her being a survivalist, she's always pitted against the elements, and she always seems in danger / vulnerable, making her a lot weaker. She definitely has some badass moments in my animation, but she does feel like the underdog in this. The fight should be evenly matched, as the best ones are.