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You know a project is nearing the finish line when I start designing thumbnails!

This one isn't final.....BUT IT COULD BE!




Honestly, that "Into the Inferno" post on DA could totally work as a thumbnail, just make the text bigger, and boom, done. But I totally get wanting to see both faces of our lovely ladies


I agree!! The "Into the Inferno" one was great, according to my private stats, that post has 20k views and also appeared on reddit. I would like to be consistent, but as you said, it'd be a shame to not show off such beautiful faces! The Design isn't final! but we'll see! I'll be sharing more ideas! :)


Honestly, all this is missing is the MK logo (and maybe a drop shadow or outline or something similar on the TR logo so it doesn't blend into the background) and you're set


Oh NICE! I'm open to the MK Dragon being there!! Didn't think of that! I'll experiment some more!


Definitely a great thumbnail candidate!


Cassie face kinda not it but the rest is amazing