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Commission (Story): Tythen

"For my  final trick of the night, it's a disappearing act! And as I'm sure you  know, it's going to be me! Now many of you will be asking, what am I  going to use to disappear? Am I going to cover myself with a curtain or  cloak? Say a magic chant and a puff of smoke? Or perhaps a former  'hungry' assistant of mine? Well, as you can see there is nothing of  that sort here tonight. Just me and my magic hat!"

"Many  of you have seen countless things come out of this hat: Handkerchiefs,  flowers, and even rabbits and birds! But let me tell you something no  other magician will tell you. Anything and everything that came from  this hat is real magic. No hidden pockets or sleight of hand tricks. The  magician's hat is a long tunnel that leads into the mystical world of  magic; the bottomless source of all wonder and fun! And just like going  home, all those wonderful magical things return through my hat. It's  just missing one more thing. And it's on this very stage!"

"Yes,  everyone! I too am from the mystical world of magic, and now it's  calling me to come home! Prepare to be amazed and your minds filled with  disbelief as I slowly squeeze every big and little part of me in! I  will be going in head first, so I won't be able to speak once my head's  through, but don't worry. I can still wave goodbye before I fully slip  in and vanish! Judging by the looks of things, I don't think I can call  this a magic 'trick' anymore. Without further ado, *wink*, let's begin!"



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