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Commission (Story): Tythen

"What was that!? What just happened!?"

"No way! That did not just happen! I cannot believe it!!!"

"Right after the tenth tap, in a split of a second, she plunged the rest of her body into her hat!"

"My  eyes didn't deceive me then and they aren't deceiving me now. As we're  speaking, her hat's not on the floor. It's floating in the air.  Floating! Defying gravity! I don't think Jenny pushed the rest of her  body into the hat. The hat itself pulled her in instead! Butt, thighs,  knees, and calves; it's as if the hat suddenly got a hungry mind of its  own and sucked her all up! You can just hear the crowd going wild over  disbelief again. I can't tell if it's out of fear or amazement!"

"Hang  on a second, look closer! Not all of Jenny has gone through! It looks  like her feet are still here! You can see them dangling from her hat!  And... and... wait... it's moving, Jenny is still moving her feet!"

"No way! You're right!"

"Look!  Moving her ankles, dangling, and swinging her feet up and down, even  curling her soles and wiggling her toes in a very playful and teasing  way! Oh My Lord! The crowd is getting excited over it, and so am I!"

"I-I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"You  heard me. And even the hat is joining in! Once, it was just floating in  place. Now it's moving back and forth, swinging Jenny's feet like a  swing! Now it's shaking her feet all around, like a dog shaking its chew  toy with its teeth and jaws! Ooh, how I wish to be in that dog or hat's  place right now!"

"Woah Woah Woah! Stop! You're gonna get us cancelled!"

"Wait. The hat's stopped moving, and Jenny's no longer being naughty with her feet!"

"What's going on this time? Hang on the second... the hat."

"I  think it's turning to show the audience and us what's inside of it!  Perhaps what's beyond the tunnel to the mystical world of magic! And of  course, to show us a good look at Jenny's soles!"

"Why are you so fixated on her feet?"



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