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We were unable to reach the goal this month.

But this is a special occasion, so there is a new part this month.

In the end I was not convinced with the result.

I had problems from the beginning, and I was not able to understand how to solve them.

(I fixed a small detail)




Still looks wonderful! Love the angles and the positioning!


This is excellent! Doesn't seem like her plan to deal with this snake is working too good for her but I'm not complaining >:3 Is this the end of her and the comic?


Woah. That's so freaking hot!


Thank you very much :3 Her plan had a very serious mistake. She should have checked her tools before putting the plan into action. There is still another part planned. But I don't know if we will get there soon.


Take your time. Gyokuen has become my favorite girl of yours. I'll be happy to patiently wait to see more of her.


It's really nice to hear that I've managed to get more people to like that character. I love her design and I'm glad to hear that I was able to make her look good. Well, next month, we may be way off target, and that may not change anytime soon.