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It was much more complicated than I thought to make this project for 8/8.
But finally here it is. That's why I hadn't uploaded anything in days, and although it looked like I wasn't doing anything, I was quite busy on this.
I hope you like it :3

Part 1:
"I want to make it clear to you that flirting in my class, or disrupting my class, is punishable."

Part 2:

"For the next class, we will not continue with the lesson, but we will see something special.
Jenny's sisters will join us in class, and I will show you how to eat 2 snacks at once. After all, it's important to keep families together, don't you think?"




Thanks for your hard work. I love how it looks and the expressions of the girls.


Thank you very much. That my work is appreciated makes me happy, I feel that my effort has been worth it :3