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I hope you like :3

The episode begins with a usual tv intro with Jenny and Catherine barefoot in white gowns with a spirit of nature behind them. “Welcome to our show Soil N Souls, I’m Jenny!” “And I’m Catherine! Say Jenny, why are we here today?” “ Good question Cathrine! We’re here today to provide nourishment to the lovely Dirt Spirit behind us! And we’re the fertilize!” “Your right Jenny, but not to our fellow audience it’s not the type of nourishment your thinking of, we’ll be eaten yes, but not harmed!” “For you see, as Catherine explained we’ll be eaten but will be perfectly fine! The real nourishment for nature spirits is laughter!” “ Yep! And what better way Jenny to get laughter then through tickling!” “Correct Catherine! Once the Dirt Spirit has consumed us until only our feet remain, it will proceed to tickle our feet and feed off of the energy of our laughter, specking of which!” Both with big smiles while giving a thumbs up saying “Bon Appefeet!” The Dirt Spirit opened its maw and then…




I love the story! And of course, the art :)