Pages of Feet (Patreon)
Gyokuen stroll through her library to find something interesting to read. When suddenly she came across a book with golden pages, “Greetings my lady!” The book spoke “Oh my! Hello there little friend!” Gyokuen replied with surprise. “I am in need of assistance in something that I have no knowledge of! And I’m wondering if you could help me find the answer?” Said the book, Gyokuen grew more curious and replied “Go on, what great mystery do you ponder on?” The book paused for but a moment and spoke “Do you…Happen to know what feet are?…” Gyokuen smiled and said to the book “Why what I’m walking on of course!” “Hmm…I still do not understand.” The book replied, Gyokuen then spoke while reaching for her slippers “Hold on my friend! Let me show you…”
Commission (Story):