Pages of Feet 4 (Patreon)
Commission (Story):
After she was sucked in, all that remained of Gyokuen were her barefeet sticking out of the book. “Phew! Well that was a trip!” Gyokuen exclaimed, “I do apologize if I frightened you?” Said the book, “Oh! You didn’t frighten me, it was rather fun!” Gyokuen replied. “Now then, what more to your feet is their to do? Now that I have a closer look on them?” Questioned the book, “Oh! Try tickling them!” Shouted Gyokuen while wiggling her toes. “Tickling?…” the book said in confusion, “Yes, tickling! It’s a common practice among humans to make others laugh! After all, feet are normally ticklish, well, at least mine are!” Gyokuen replied. “May study this “tickling” on your feet?” The book asked, Gyokuen wiggled her toes replying “Yes! Of course you can! Just get something to tickle me with, and you’ll see what I mean!” The book then used it’s magic to bring two feather pens over to Gyokuen’s feet, as they approached they briefly breezed across her arcs. “OH! Feathers? Well, you’re sure are a quick learner!” She said, “May I?” The book asked her, she replied with wiggling toes saying “Yes you may! My feet are ready!”