Download The Matrix Awakens City Sample on UE5.4 (Patreon)
We've compiled the classic City Sample demo on Unreal Engine 5.4 as part of Alex Battaglia's latest video project. You can download it and play it yourself on your own PC. By default it'll run at your desktop resolution on a 50 percent resolution scale, upscaling with TSR to native. Please ensure that your desktop resolution is at 100 percent scaling.
As for the video above? This is Rich's input into Alex's project, running the demo on both UE 5.0 and UE 5.4 on the closest you're going to get to a console-equivalent build - the Xbox Series X CPU powering an RDNA 2 graphics card that's very close indeed to the PS5 GPU.
Thanks for backing the DF Supporter Program!
Download (Demo):
Downloads (video):