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Let's have a fab time! 😎

Patreon Early Birds + Higher:

  • Dark S1E5 Edit

  • Breaking Bad S2E1 + S2E2 Edit

  • Deadpool 2 Edit

  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Edit

All edits can be viewed through the Early Access collection. Once they are public on the channel, they are removed from the collection.

Patreon Movie Watchers + Higher:

Patreon TV Insiders + Higher:

Dates of all movie and TV reactions listed above are subject to change, depending on IRL circumstances. Thank you.

Twitch Streams:

All start at 18:00 MST. These will be uploaded on the Games with KL YouTube channel.

  • Tuesday: Red Dead Redemption 2 [Day 13]

  • Wednesday: Dragon Age: The Veilguard [Day 12]

  • Thursday: Red Dead Redemption 2 [Day 14]

  • Friday: Dragon Age: The Veilguard [Day 13]

In Case You Missed It:


Shop Update

  • Fourthwall has put through a change that has made me come to the decision to stop offering movie watchalongs for direct purchase. Moving forward, they will only be accessible via Patreon membership. That said, TV Series watchalongs will still stay up in the Shop and any future TV Series reactions will continue to be uploaded there.

  • Offering an alernative way to obtain watchalongs was something that I had hoped would be appealing to reaction viewers, but my community in particular just isn't large enough to justify the time that I have been putting into that. To anyone who ever purchased a movie watchalong in the past, thank you so much. 💙

Thanks for being here! 😊 I appreciate you all.

✦ KL




I'm in the middle of playing the game myself and don't want spoilers, so I can't watch your streams, but I would love to know what you think about Dragon Age: The Veilguard in general terms. Overall positive or negative? Anything you especially love about it or dislike about it?


While I'm having a good time and will play it through to the end, it's definitely the weakest Dragon Age game for me (and many others feel the same) which is a disappointment considering it's been a whole decade since Inquisition. But I think Bioware had some hurdles with DAV back in 2020, so the game kind of feels like they actually started the game development over from scratch at that time. I definitely have a list of positives and negatives, but I'm not sure if you want to know *what* those categories are, so I'll just keep it to myself for now. It wouldn't spoil anything about stories and characters or even specific locations, though!


Holy shit, why does this post completely out of order on the mobile app? 🥲


As long as it doesn't spoil anything, I'd like to know. Like for me, the combat I originally didn't like. The way the enemies are always after you, and pretty much ignore your immortal companions was extremely frustrating at first. But I've actually come around to a point where I'm starting to enjoy kiting around the battlefield, throwing an attack or two wherever I can. And there are a ton of little features that I do like about other parts of the game. But I certainly have my complaints too. Personally (I haven't finished the game yet, so this is just based on what I've played so far) I'd give the game a 6/10. Which I feel sad to say about a Bioware game, given that "Dragon Age: Origins" and the Mass Effect trilogy are four of my favorite games of all time.


I only have about 20 hours in the game myself, so no worries. I feel the opposite about the combat, actually! For me, it seems like they knew what they wanted it to be like and went full-steam ahead with it. I do miss having tactical options for my companions though, because I'm so used to fiddling with those settings in the other three games. It took me a bit to get used to the combat here (and I'm a mage using orb and dagger, which doesn't exist in the other ones, so an extra struggle with a playstyle that's brand new to the DA universe) but now I enjoy it. So that's a positive for me. Another positive is the environments, more specifically what's in the distance. I like running around the maps because of it. I am also glad we went back to the style of maps in DAO and DA2. I don't miss the open-world aspect for this universe. I also really appreciate how efficient and fast looting is in this game. No more "Take All" buttons to click and no more sitting through looting animations. No more inventory management at all, actually. It's great! Another fab feature is transmog! I love being able to have my appearances for everyone be completely different from what is actually equipped. But that's about it for the positives, sadly. For me, the negatives are around the things that made the previous games so good. The dialogue. It's so weak in Veilguard. There is also far less question asking than in the previous three games. Any time we are actually given the ability to ask questions (which isn't often), only one or two show up most of the time. I miss being able to approach my companions and have like six questions to choose from because I used to space out the questions over multiple visits to them throughout the games. I also find the voice-acting a bit weak. I'm playing a positive and kind Rook, but every so often I've chosen one of the "mean / hostile" prompts and the delivery just doesn't match the emotion that is indicated at all. Which sucks, because I'm still playing my Ruthless Dragon Age run, currently doing Inquisition at the moment. And I want to continue that with a re-playthrough of Veilguard with my Rook being the same, but I doubt it's gonna feel right. The only dialogue deliveries from Rook that I've really loved so far are the middle options, but I don't love playing sarcastic/jokey playthroughs. All of that combined makes for cutscenes that are on the underwhelming side for me... so far, anyway. But yeah, it's really tough to love this game when it's supposed to be this long-awaited continuation of the ending of Inquisition. I'd probably rate it 5/10 at the moment.


Ah, I'm a bit ahead of where you are. I haven't seen your streams, so I wasn't sure where you'd be in the game. I'm 90 hours in (I am a ridiculous completionist in RPGs, so if I subtract all the time spent trying to figure out how to get to this chest and that ladder to make sure I get everything, it's probably more like 50 hours of gameplay). I have heard that the dialogue for a hostile playthrough is weak, but my first playthrough is always the sarcastic/humorous option. And orb and dagger mage, like you're doing. So, I haven't heard the harsh dialogue options much. If I do a second playthrough (I have "Cyberpunk 2077 waiting to be played after Veilguard, but I'm sure I will eventually play Veilguard a second time) it will probably be as a kinder, gentler Rook warrior. I'm with you on the environments too. Not everything has to be open world, and the maps here feel expansive enough to let me feel like I'm exploring without feeling railroaded, while still being focused enough to keep you on task. One tiny, trivial thing I've noticed that I think was a nice touch: When companions start bantering in this game, if something happens to interrupt (like combat or a cut scene) the banter doesn't just keep going over everything else or get cut off never to be repeated. Instead, they actually stop, let you finish the fight or conversation or whatever, and then your companions are like "... as I was saying, yadda yadda..." and they pick up where the banter left off. I didn't expect it, and it's the tiniest thing, but I was tickled by that.