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So... this is kind of a cheeky poll because I think I know what you all will say. But figured I'd ask anyway. Now that I'm committing to a Monday and Friday release schedule, I've been more on top of getting my calendar sorted out properly for the next six months or so based on this. I have all of March planned out already for videos (and I'm feeling proud of that). Sneak Peek: Independence Day (the last winner of that big poll from a while back), more TLOU, more MCU, finally finishing The Clone Wars videos, and the REACTION COLLAB movie that I'm still not sharing quite yet which movie it is or who it's with. Mwahahaha.

BUT there is one day (Fri March 17) that I don't have a video for and I'm like hmm, what do I do?

So let me know if you would be down for me continuing something I started or if you'd like a fresh new poll with multiple options to pick from.

I am taking this weekend OFF and enjoying it, but I did want to get this up sooner rather than later.

Have an incredible weekend! ❤️

✦ KL



Yeah I get it ☺️ Appreciate that too! Enjoy having ya in the community

Karl 70

Thank you, I appreciate you saying that also ☺️

Tyler Foster

I would say the same thing about the workprint version of Alien³ (which you'll be shocked -- shocked! -- to know is potentially my favorite in the series) that I said about Terminator 3. I think these are both good enough movies while also being contentious that they would make for interesting reactions, which I think is sort of what Karl is getting at. In general, this could be a fun Patreon benefit, if it is easy for you: one (or more, but, I'll say one to keep the concept manageable) further sequel that might not be a YouTube success, but which people are interested in as an exclusive just to see what you think. I don't know how many other franchises would fit this, where the next entry has at least some kind of following, but I started re-watching Terminator 3 last night and couldn't stop thinking about what your reaction would be.


Totally fair. Right now it's a wait and see thing. Now that I've had a week of zero overwhelm and stress and it feels good, I'm committed to keeping things that way. Once I'm back down to two TV shows for Patreon exclusives, could be a good opportunity to incorporate some more films, but I also don't want to make it a regular thing just yet.