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Happy start of the week everyone! I hope you had an excellent weekend no matter what you got up to and here's to a strong week ahead.

Why not kick off your week with LOKI! Here is the watchalong for Episodes 1-3. You can expect the exact same format as I did for both WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

At the time of posting this, I haven't watched 4-6 yet, so be mindful of that. I want to watch them this week though, just need to shimmy around my planned work schedule a little bit.

Thanks so much for watching and I'm looking forward to your comments!


✦ KL




Looooved the Loki show, excited for you to watch!


Happy to be back with you here, KL. Of the three series, I always found this one the trippiest. It's like the show was written by Lokis with all the twists and turns. You're being quite intuitive, as usual, but this one may challenge that.


It is so fitting that you watched The Matrix and Loki so close together. Both inspire one to question their own reality. “ What if I was a robot, and I didn’t know it?” Marvel has always provoked conversations about real world concepts and issues, sometimes more blatantly than others. With Loki they seemed to touch on the more philosophical matters, the big questions… it’s it all predetermined, or are we in control of our own destiny?…what is time? nature vs. nurture, etc… I think a lot of the success of this show, is how absolutely perfect the character of Loki is for the type of “timey wimey” trippy questions and concepts this show presents/expands on. I am biased when it comes to Loki as a character, but beyond that, this show is beautiful in just about every way. The score is epic. I love the use of the theremin music in Judge Renslayer’s office. I had to look up where I knew her from when I first watched this as well. San Junipero is a favorite episode of Black Mirror for me also. Like you mentioned, the set design, costumes, it’s like what we thought the future would look like back in the 60’s. The colors are more muted, but sort of a mix of the original Star Trek series and The Jetsons. Love the overall aesthetic of the show. The acting is superb, I enjoy all of the new cast members. Owen Wilson as Loki’s therapist/analyst is perfect. Hiddleston is one of those actors that has instant chemistry with everyone he is paired up with. He is the definition of charm and grace. To much to gush about with this one… Looking forward to the last 3!!! Have a great week! P.S. I love and share your appreciation for the rolling up of the sleeves. Tom Hiddleston in a button down and tie, they knew what they were doing. 💚🗡️💪🗡️💚

J Alvarez

So glad I bought this patreon. Love your reactions to the MCU

Steve Mercier

I go back and forth between this and WandaVision as to which is my favorite MCU show, but I think this one takes the lead if only because of the innate silliness of it...but, you know, in a good way. Looking forward to rewatching with you.

Brian Goodheart

I know things have been crazy for you lately, but is there going to be an edited reaction for Loki?