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Welcome to the Patron commission request thread for September, 2024! If you are pledging at one of the commission level tiers then please copy and fill out the form below. If you wish to get a commission remember that Patreon will only charge the difference, not the full amount, if you are already signed up and pledging.

Please post at least two character choices and up to three. Unless you state otherwise it will be assumed the first listing will be your first choice.

For the Comic tier, please fill out forms for both the sequence page/illustration and a pinup. Please refer to your commission tier description and/or the banner included in this post for general information and guidelines for your commission.

For those stacking pledges to upgrade your commission, you must post your submission in the commission thread here , with a note of your intention to stack. In addition, those who are stacking from the previous month should post with a note that they're continuing from last month.

NOTE: You must post in the thread below if you are getting a commission this month, even if you intend to submit your request proper through a note.

NOTE 2: Patrons who are signed up at commission level tiers are able to purchase additional commissions at a discounted rate should they choose! Simply contact me through e-mail at AxelForHire@gmail.com. Even if public commissions are closed you are guaranteed a slot!


Commission Request, September 2024

Patron name:


Character name or description (please include reference):

Type of expansion/inflation (as needed). Please link to reference showing size and shape:


Setting (illustration/boss tiers only):




September Commission: Comic commission: Commission Request, September 2024 Patron name: Dragonage2ftw Tier: Comic Character name or description (please include reference): Kirie Goshima from Uzumaki https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/uzumakijunjjiito/images/4/44/Mrs_Spiral.png/revision/latest?cb=20141228101019 https://imgur.com/a/4WmmDHi Type of expansion/inflation (as needed): SSBBW Please link to reference showing size and shape: Panel 1: Skinny (But busty), saying ‘Everyone in town has gotten really into baking cinnamon rolls as of late…’ Panel 2: https://imgur.com/a/Me7ysl0 (First Image size reference.) (Little caption saying ‘First week.’) (She should be eating a cinnamon roll.) Panel 3: https://imgur.com/a/Me7ysl0 (Second size reference) (Little caption saying ‘Second week.’) (She should be exhausted and thinking ‘Man…the walk to school has been getting harder as of late.’) Panel 4: https://imgur.com/a/Me7ysl0 (Third size reference.) (Little caption saying ‘Third week.’) (She should be shocked and saying ‘When did THIS happen?!?’) Panel 5: https://imgur.com/a/Me7ysl0 (Fourth size reference.) (Little caption saying ‘Fourth week.’) (She should say ‘Why did I not turn down any of their offerings? Is this part of the curse?) Pose/expression/prop: Panel 1 pose: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/unsure-smart-creative-attractive-african-600nw-1207956226.jpg Panel 2 pose: https://media.gettyimages.com/id/466334360/photo/cant-talk-in-the-cupcake-zone.jpg?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=Wxz_VFOKOUup48pP88dcrtRfXBf2JEVRxIjSgScJxwE= (If you need something more full body, please let me know.) Panel 3 pose: https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/73/54/76/360_F_73547684_XytZvumOzAGz4R973wzN8B9rLa2zJRQg.jpg (Looking off into space a bit, not realizing she’s fat yet.) Panel 4 pose: https://www.deviantart.com/axel-rosered/art/Nami-Sketch-Commission-1087408141 Panel 5 pose: https://www.deviantart.com/axel-rosered/art/Commission-Power-Stuffed-Girl-302951990 (Same as Power Girl.) (You can also just make her the same pose as the girl in the size reference picture if that’s simpler/easier/if you think it would look better.) Setting (illustration/boss tiers only): Illustration 1: Character name or description (please include reference): Fubuki: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b2/1a/19/b21a1983fd4297e75264d32dff4953e2.jpg Yor Forger: https://image.tensorartassets.com/cdn-cgi/image/anim=false,plain=false,w=500,q=85/model_showcase/0/c1fa69ba-5d7f-126a-2128-9ac1a3a4ea2c.jpeg Type of expansion/inflation (as needed): BBW. Please link to reference showing size and shape: https://imgur.com/a/hshcjgp Pose/expression/prop: https://www.deviantart.com/sonier103/art/bottoms-up-mei-357380373 (Yor should be the one force feeding Fubuki.) (The liquid ‘bottle’ should be labeled ‘Heavy Cream.’) Setting (illustration/boss tiers only): https://hips.hearstapps.com/hbu.h-cdn.co/assets/16/15/1460404413-1460150763-1460127682-oregon-farm.jpg?crop=0.665xw:1.00xh;0.0442xw,0&resize=980:* Pinup 1: Character name or description (please include reference): Polly Geist (Monster Prom) https://imgur.com/a/QCloP6k Type of expansion/inflation (as needed). BBW Please link to reference showing size and shape: https://imgur.com/a/QCloP6k Pose/expression/prop: https://imgur.com/a/QCloP6k Pinup 2: Character name or description (please include reference): Dolce (Rune Factory). https://imgur.com/a/tv1USIJ Type of expansion/inflation (as needed). BBW Please link to reference showing size and shape: https://imgur.com/a/tv1USIJ Pose/expression/prop: https://imgur.com/a/tv1USIJ


Commission Request, September 2024 Patron name: DogePounder Tier: Illustration Character name or description (please include reference): Boa Hancock as a succubus: https://sta.sh/2q058m6wr5h?edit=1 Type of expansion/inflation (as needed). Please link to reference showing size and shape: Expansion via weight gain from being filled with souls of men. Pose/expression/prop: Follow reference pic, only changes would be her wings flapping extremely hard to keep her afloat, arm under her boobs is sinking in between her belly and them, and bat/succubus pin on her hip is digging into her fat. Her expression is changed to be more lustful (wicked smirk and eyes frowning) but also a tiny bit tired due to flying with all that fat. I had an idea of her saying “Come here…huff huff…boy, I don’t bite.” Setting (illustration/boss tiers only): Slightly expanded from the reference, with a dirt road underneath Hancock and an orange or red sky past the trees.


Commission Request, September 2024 Patron name: Epidehl Tier: Pin-up Character name or description: Bridget (Guilty Gear Strive) Type of expansion/inflation: Pregnant Refs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12o9riydpQIh4zQ11fDC0NVEcoToZYv7M Pose/Expression/Prop: Hands clasped together excitedly, looking down at belly Character name or description: Leonie (Fire Emblem Three Houses) Type of expansion/inflation: Pregnant Refs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12q2fLCz8S981W9RPxISt1mGg-FGo6X8E Pose/Expression/Prop: One hand on hip, one wiping brow. Sweating and exhausted looking


Commission Request, September 2024 Patron name: Ross Boyd Tier: Illustration Commission Character name or description (please include reference): Minthara, Baldur’s Gate 3 - https://esomodelviewer.com/baldurs-gate-3/characters/post/10-minthara Type of expansion/inflation (as needed) Please link to reference showing size and shape: Fat/Weight Gain - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/848013804855802651/ Pose/expression/prop: Laying on her back, stuffed to the brim, looking sleepy and full, a bit of pie filling around her cheeks or some such. Remnants of a feast all around her. Setting (illustration/boss tiers only): Old ruin, or any sort of stone floor