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Hey everyone! I wanted to first of all thank you all for your support thus far. As you may have noticed we finally passed the $1500 goal with your help! As we move towards our next goal I'm looking forward to future projects and making things bigger and better here!

On that note I'd like to announce that we'll be taking a bit of a "break" next week while I work to get ahead on "One Swell Day" and other projects. What that means is that Monday through Thursday will all be sketch and WIP preview posts. The next page of Buulma, Part 2 will also be going up next Friday as per the regular schedule, so there will still be content posted daily, and regular updates will resume on Monday the 22nd with the next page of One Swell Day. Just letting everyone know ahead of time.

In addition, there will be a stream tomorrow at 2PM EDT. I'll post the link here once we go live, so please look forward to that if you can make it!

That's all for today. Have a good day everyone!


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