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And with this, we've reached the end of Part 2! What does Android 21's new transformation mean for Bulma, and how will our favorite Capsule Corp. scientist make it out of this one? These answers and more to come in Part 3 of the Buulma saga!

We'll be taking a two week break from Buulma as Cutter and I work ahead on Part 3, but fear not, we'll be jumping right into the action after the break, with Buulma updating every Friday until it's conclusion upon its return! Trust us, it'll be worth the wait!




Please have 21 go to Universe 2 and make Kakunsa bigger!!!

Zachary M Rivera

Will Bulma be able to stop Android 21 feeding frenzy, find out next time on Dragon Ball Z


Oh my, it looks like Bulma's breasts and limbs got a little bigger from that donut this time.


do you think we go to universe 6 ? is bumla going to be andriod 21 only victim?


While I can't give away what happens, I can say don't expect this to jump to any other universes or introduce other characters.

Tyler Javitz

Fishy Boopkins saw page 5 of part 2 and said Oh no! You’re getting fat 21!