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Now in COLOR



Tyler Javitz

Good one can you please add SSJ3 Note SSJ3 Viola and SSJ3 Forte please?


The rest of this comic has already been planned out and we will not be making any changes from that at this point. Note, Viola and Forte will NOT be making an appearance so you can stop asking.


Thanks for keeping this comic free for us. Hope both of them burst their clothes eventually.

Chill Fam

Man, can’t wait till Friday to see what happens next


Absolutely fantastic! I feel spoiled now that this has gone weekly. Keep up the great work, and let's see how big Bulma will get!


Oh, you moved the dialog away from her cleavage. Thank you.


just how big is she going to get because i hope to see her get HUGE!!!!!!!


wow! =D is buulma gonna turn into a fat buu or a fat majin or something?


Is she going to shrink Bulma into the palm of her hand? I’m not sure if you can make her any rounder xD


Dude stop. You're not involved in writing stop setting people's expectations for things that aren't happening.


but at least i love buulma so much. this is the best comic ever. keep it up. =D


I see. Please keep up the great work! I can't wait to see how this turns out xD!

Tyler Javitz

I was only curious Alex. I did like how 21’s belly looked like in part 2 page 5 and 6 before powering up

Tyler Javitz

Me to 21: Hey 21, in part 2 pages 5 6 and 7 before you power up may I rub your belly please?