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Cutter and I are back home now. Thanks to everyone who wished us a safe journey during the past couple of weeks. I'm happy to report our travels went without any major incidents or hiccups.

Then we both got sick. Oops.

Good news is we're both on the path to recovery and should be fine soon.

This does mean it'll take a bit longer for normal updates to resume. I'll be posting some sketch pages for the next few days until then.

Later tonight I'll be doing a live stream where I'll begin working on the remaining commissions from late July/August. Watch this space for the stream announcement.

One final item of note: we've made a minor adjustment to our $2500 goal on Patreon. Please read the new revision and see if it sounds like something up your alley!



what about commissions from March/April? That about when I got mine


Send a message from the get-go next time instead of clogging up the comments on an unrelated post. Especially if you're not going to include any information that would actually allow us to help you.


I did. 2 or 3x via DeviantART and 2 or 3x via Yahoo Mail. Never got a response. If I had figured out Patreon had a PM sooner I would've messaged y'all here.


Here is why you send e-mail to the proper address and not just willy-nilly wherever: Because it took me all of a minute to find your commission and to see we had already sent it out when it was done. Meaning we do not care about the "X" number of times you sent a message if it isn't to the proper place. And no, patreon and deviantart are NOT the proper places which is why we ask you to send e-mails. Because we have business to attend to on these platforms and we don't need our PMs clogging up from users who want to make their inability to pay attention our problem.


alright alright I'm sorry. But I just checked my email and the last email I received from you guys was the one where you confirmed you received payment. I never got the commission it may have been lost or something idk


The point is that we're not trying to undermine you or keep you from your commission. If you guys didn't keep approaching this from an antagonistic angle these transactions would go way smoother for you. Instead you decide whats an inappropriate amount of time to take when it comes to completing a commission, wait too long to contact us properly, and then expect us to indulge you in cries of "but I triiiied" when that doesn't do anything but result in you NOT getting your completed piece right away. All because you're too wrapped up in counting the days and messages sent so you have some grievances to throw at us in an effort to guilt and hurry us along in a situation where your commission had already been completed. If you tried thinking things through like an adult and treating us like professionals maybe you wouldn't have to do things like sending out a ton of pointless "status update pls" messages. Like hey! If you have expectations on the time it should take to complete your commission then you should be upfront about that! Instead you guys keep demanding we do these faster and at a lower cost while never EVER pointing out when you're being pushy or childish about things.


wasn't trying to be hostile or childish. idk wtf you want me to say alright? I fucked up, my bad


also 1: I never once thought you guys were trying undermine me or keep me from my commission. I figured I'd get it when I get it. I just asked about mine since I never got the finished product until yesterday. and 2: I will NEVER demand you lower your costs or go faster than you require. I respect the artist and their work, hence why I didn't get hostile and/or curse at all when asking about my commission


"wasn't trying to be hostile or childish. idk wtf you want me to say alright? I fucked up, my bad" What I want is for you to stop arguing with me and recognize that the issue is that you keep trying to make this about you personally in a situation where I have given you the same spiel I have given every pushy, oblivious commissioner who has done this to us in the last few months because they weren't paying attention to their e-mail. YOU decided not to ask for a time-line upfront on the completion of your commission just like YOU decided to send messages to random places instead of listening when told to send a proper one to the correct address. And then instead of accepting the point that this would have been resolved much sooner if you had done so, you try and argue with me about how none of this is your fault even though I really don't care how you feel about it. "I never once thought you guys were trying undermine me or keep me from my commission. I figured I'd get it when I get it. I just asked about mine since I never got the finished product until yesterday. " This is what I'm talking about. You say you accepted you'd "get it when you get it" but then turn around and say you were concerned because you didn't get it. Which is it? You're very clearly grasping at straws while not really having a point to make beyond wanting to win the one-sided blame game you're playing. Get it? You are not the only one to have pulled this stunt in the last few months nor are you the only one I've had to have this conversation with. Stop trying to make things about you in situations where it doesn't matter.