August Commission Request Thread. (Patreon)
Edit: Despite the change in request format any characters that violate patreon's posting policies or our personal policy against webcomics, memes, or ones in bad taste are still a no go.
Welcome to the commission request thread for August! If you are pledging at one of the commission level tiers then please copy and fill out the form below. If you wish to get a commission remember that patreon will only charge the difference not the full amount if you are already signed up and pledging.
Please post at least two choices and up to three. Unless you state otherwise it will be assumed the first listing will be your first choice. We reserve the right to go with our favored choices for the limited tiers.
For the "Boss" tiers please fill out forms for both the page of sketches and a pinup. In general if you wish your request to be made in private then send it to us in a direct message, just make sure you fill the forms out properly. For the limited tiers any suggested sizes are taken lightly at best and anything approaching immobility is disallowed. Immobility is disallowed at the general pinup levels. Please refer to your tier description for the full list of benefits and restrictions for your commission.
Note: Starting in September we will no longer accept fanart requests at the limited tiers. We will also be allowing people to purchase a regular commission each month if they are pledging at a commission level. In general when regular commissions re-open, requests for original content and characters (either your own or the ones we use here and in packs) will be given priority over requests from fandoms. We will have a post going into more detail later this month.
Commission Request, August 2020
Patron name:
Character name:
Type of expansion/inflation (as needed). Please link to reference showing size and shape:
Setting (illustration/boss tiers only):
Additional information for illustrations and sketch pages (as needed):