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Welcome to the Patron commission request thread for August, 2023! If you are pledging at one of the commission level tiers then please copy and fill out the form below. If you wish to get a commission remember that Patreon will only charge the difference, not the full amount, if you are already signed up and pledging.

Please post at least two character choices and up to three. Unless you state otherwise it will be assumed the first listing will be your first choice.

For the Comic tier, please fill out forms for both the sequence page/illustration and a pinup. Please refer to your commission tier description and/or the banner included in this post for general information and guidelines for your commission.

For those stacking pledges to upgrade your commission, you must post your submission in the commission thread here , with a note of your intention to stack. In addition, those who are stacking from the previous month should post with a note that they're continuing from last month.

NOTE: You must post in the thread below if you are getting a commission this month, even if you intend to submit your request proper through a note.

NOTE 2: Patrons who are signed up at commission level tiers are able to purchase additional commissions at a discounted rate should they choose! Simply contact me through e-mail at AxelForHire@gmail.com. Even if public commissions are closed you are guaranteed a slot!


Commission Request, August 2023

Patron name:


Character name or description (please include reference):

Type of expansion/inflation (as needed). Please link to reference showing size and shape:


Setting (illustration/boss tiers only):

Additional information for illustrations and sketch pages (as needed):



Alis10101 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 08:53:23 Commission Request, August 2023 Patron name:Alis10101 Tier: Comic Tier Character name or description (please include reference): Ferham, Berkava, Rafflisian, Belladonna, Marty, Satkira CC https://mega.nz/folder/0QFT0YpJ#MtbmMfYKkE_xKQCHNvGYTA Type of expansion/inflation (as needed). Please link to reference showing size and shape: Belly expansion/Bloating just like the previous pics https://mega.nz/file/hF9QFYzZ#zrR1WJP8KGOrQJxKJQ1flDG7R9mw2RbfpPzO3Sn695M https://mega.nz/file/cdMnnRpS#vtCoDts8PPKLNpxlIVeAssOBESG4PLUaDw9iuKcBy70 Pose/expression:Very similar to the past 2 pics Setting (illustration/boss tiers only): Melda Ore Plant https://mega.nz/file/gA8DwYIQ#liOxQ9eDUGqcLi-bigznwvRYitkc6dmWc6frm_XZhsw Additional information for illustrations and sketch pages (as needed): ---------------------------------------- Pinup Character: Nemona https://mega.nz/folder/MJdVxSpJ#3ci-opiYC52rGmAjdrlbqw Type of expansion: Stuffing/belly expansion https://mega.nz/file/Zck0WZ7Z#Uqt6j9G621WTsFs9UhK2RqPo1R0vLNC6b8Z5xTDEzMI Pose/Emotion: Similar to this pic https://mega.nz/file/NIV1xTYR#SgiKpi68X-1dR3YDOE1UPI88n5oOcJwYlQ3CIk5zskw
2023-08-16 20:42:04 Commission Request, August 2023 Patron name:Alis10101 Tier: Comic Tier Characters: Mayl and Roll.exe https://mega.nz/folder/UVVRwKrK#Obi9m2GueasiqsSSO_FDcA Expansion type: Pregnancy, Have them comparing thier pregnancies to each other smiling. https://mega.nz/file/1BF3Ub7D#tZO500ewd0k6DdjBNcKohnX-EwRSy9jKqMSkPPmm-uo Size: https://mega.nz/file/RQklWDRS#G2btwBkPhgb5lSYf5qbQbEHlPJJzUqN1iil_45cMhZs Pregnant bellies bigger than this if possible with Butt/Bust/Thighs bigger than https://mega.nz/file/9ZkkiC6b#V45KawvObJ5L-piQysem2q-1p-HpsYq4JSNrp7xWihs ---------------------------------------- Pinup Character: Nemona https://mega.nz/folder/MJdVxSpJ#3ci-opiYC52rGmAjdrlbqw Type of expansion: Stuffing/belly expansion https://mega.nz/file/Zck0WZ7Z#Uqt6j9G621WTsFs9UhK2RqPo1R0vLNC6b8Z5xTDEzMI Pose/Emotion: Similar to this pic https://mega.nz/file/NIV1xTYR#SgiKpi68X-1dR3YDOE1UPI88n5oOcJwYlQ3CIk5zskw

Commission Request, August 2023 Patron name:Alis10101 Tier: Comic Tier Characters: Mayl and Roll.exe https://mega.nz/folder/UVVRwKrK#Obi9m2GueasiqsSSO_FDcA Expansion type: Pregnancy, Have them comparing thier pregnancies to each other smiling. https://mega.nz/file/1BF3Ub7D#tZO500ewd0k6DdjBNcKohnX-EwRSy9jKqMSkPPmm-uo Size: https://mega.nz/file/RQklWDRS#G2btwBkPhgb5lSYf5qbQbEHlPJJzUqN1iil_45cMhZs Pregnant bellies bigger than this if possible with Butt/Bust/Thighs bigger than https://mega.nz/file/9ZkkiC6b#V45KawvObJ5L-piQysem2q-1p-HpsYq4JSNrp7xWihs ---------------------------------------- Pinup Character: Nemona https://mega.nz/folder/MJdVxSpJ#3ci-opiYC52rGmAjdrlbqw Type of expansion: Stuffing/belly expansion https://mega.nz/file/Zck0WZ7Z#Uqt6j9G621WTsFs9UhK2RqPo1R0vLNC6b8Z5xTDEzMI Pose/Emotion: Similar to this pic https://mega.nz/file/NIV1xTYR#SgiKpi68X-1dR3YDOE1UPI88n5oOcJwYlQ3CIk5zskw


Commission Request, August 2023 Patron name: Ross Boyd Tier: Illustration commission Character name or description (please include reference): Pharah from Overwatch Type of expansion/inflation (as needed): Fat Please link to reference showing size and shape: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/794409357239648257/1112556073740664832/IMG_6652.png This with a bit more of a belly/fatter Pose/expression/prop: as pictured above Setting (illustration/boss tiers only): cookie/Passion Pattie factory Additional information for illustrations and sketch pages (as needed): As pictured above, wearing the same clothes/helmet and smiling vacantly.