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If you like my Videos, you'll also love Starvy's Content. He is doing so many cool Animations of Headscissors, Facesitting and more and combines them to make a game with it.

So you guys should totally support and follow him on patreon : https://www.patreon.com/starvy

so he can keep doing his stuff:)

You can follow him also on :

Deviantart : https://www.deviantart.com/starving-dev

Itch : https://starvingdev.itch.io/

X : https://x.com/otermineo

Pixiv : https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/77083268


Starvy Teaser



Thanks, appreciate you! Your content is amazing!

Lebum James

Ngl if it’s possible I would luv for you guys to so more collaborations with each other