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Who are the Western Elves' Canaries? What is their role to these islands and to dungeons in general? Let's see if we can pick up any hints from a closer look at Ep. 21!




the close attention to details and themes make these speculation videos so good. kui makes a lot of offhand lore comments that are only explained in bonus comment so it’s really cool to see you focusing on worldbuilding that gets past a lot of other reactors. also do you have a favourite canary? ik you don’t know much about them but just based off design/first impressions


I don’t know her name but I would die for the scary lady. I think all of them could be cool though, especially if they have different specialties or fighting/magic styles. 👀

J b

I remember reading this chapter (already read through all the manga when it was releasing before the show) my biggest curiousity was 'well if these elves are dungeon experts show me how and what they's be eating inside a dungeon if they go in?' since food is yknow the soul of dungeon meshi. What do you think these elves will snack on if they go investigate, what's elven canary food like?