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I apologize for the slow month. August has not been a very productive time for me. Kept having distractions, interruptions, and dips in motivation. It's hard to find time to draw sometimes with me having a 9-5 job, and lately things haven't been going as smoothly as I would like. 

I just wanted to give a heads up as to how things will be handled in terms of exclusives. I've always had in my reward tiers that exclusives would be posted either every month or every other month depending on how things went. Up until now, I've been good with having a backlog of pics to use for exclusives set up so it's less stressful. As such, I've been keeping with the monthly exclusive posts. But now I only have one spare in reserve and a lot of stuff to do in addition to work on exclusives. 

Because of this, I have made the decision to make exclusives posted once every other month for a while. At least until I can get a sizeable backlog back up again. Hopefully this will also allow me to do some shading on more of them since I will have more time to do them. 

That's the only change at the moment. Any artwork that I get done will still be posted here before being posted to Furaffinity, so you're still going to be getting early access to stuff that might not end up there for quite some time. 

Here's hoping September is more productive.


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