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Got my computer back and was told my CPU and my motherboard are both broken/faulty, if you don’t know what those are it’s basically the brain and spine of the computer are dead 🥲 Unfortunately this means I’ll be without a computer for awhile longer as I need to research affordable/decently good motherboards/CPU to buy. I’m going to try my best to get it new ones as soon as i can, but then I also have to install it all and I don’t know how to do that so I’m not confident at all but I’ll try to use tutorials and guides to help me :(

So I apologise if art and the end of month artwork is late, I’m doing everything through my iPad at the moment and I currently don’t have access to a majority of my art files 😫


So uhh yeah I’ve got no computer now.

The new graphics card came in today, I’m home sick from my job cause ✨health issues✨ I installed the new graphics card and uh, nothing, nada, my computer screens stayed black. I tried my best to troubleshoot it like unplugging cables, changing cables for new ones, using different connector cables for my monitors and trying every plug I could on the graphics card and nope, nada. Even tried to plug my old crashing graphics card in and even that one wasn’t working either. The computer turns on and all my LED lights inside turn on, so the computer is turning on, but for some fucked reason nothing is coming up on my screens.

So I decided it was time to try and take it to a repair shop. So that’s where it is right now, guy said he may call me today or tomorrow about it 🙃 I walked out of that shop and then remembered I’m a smut artist and I just handed my collection of NSFW art and collection of porn references to a stranger. Oh no.

Now I’m praying to all the gods that this guy doesn’t see any of it. Or that I didn’t leave any nsfw references on my desktop 😥🫥

Things may be delayed because of this, which will include possibly the end of month thank you artwork. As I mentioned on last nights WIPs post I do have some files on my iPad I can work on so I’m going to do my best but man the timing of all this and the money I’ve spent thinking it was the graphics card that is the problem is no bueno 😞

Thank you for your patience, if it wasn’t for you guys I wouldn’t be here continuing to be sb,e to do art in this way so I always appreciate you all 💕 I’ll update once I find out what’s going on with the computer from the repair guy 🫠



Hot Potato

Just curious...but do you have a Intel i9 k serious CPU? my dad, gf, and I had the exact same thing happen and Intel has been recalling them because of these issues. The computer store will likely know about the issue, and if you look up news it's pretty widespread. But same thing. New graphics card and it got borked with the CPU.

Blue Rosa Art

Oh man I WISH it was an Intel cause then I'd know it was the problem, but actually my CPU is a AMD Ryzen 5 3600 and my old graphics card was an AMD radeon uhh 5500 rtx. Honestly though wouldn't surprise me if this model also gonna bork my fucken computer. The repair shop has more spare parts to test stuff out than I do (I only had 1 spare graphics card from my even older pc from 12yrs ago) so they should be able to tell me which parts are being a bitch. Cause at this point it could be either the motherboard, the CPU or the PSU, cause it's definitely not the brand new nvidia geforce 4060 graphics card that's for sure!

Hot Potato

Oh yeah good to know. It's just crazy ive dealt with this EXACT same issue cause of the CPU mismanaging power. So I hope you can get it figured out!

Blue Rosa Art

Welp. I found out what it was. Turns out my CPU and motherboard both got borked, somehow :( So I've ordered some replacements (after crying over my wallet and savings) and geewiz this is the first time I'll be setting up a computer from the motherboard (a friend's boyfriend did it last time for me) so I am TERRIFIED of doing it 🙃