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🔥: My Little bird

God, to have someone look at you with all the love in the world. Ahhhh ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Trying to get into a new habit of doing much quicker rendering and lineart, where it's at least cleaner than my sketches but not as perfectly refined and pristine as my normal linearting & rendering. Took this old sketch from the Endhawks Pride month sketches from 2023 and used it for some practice.
It may be surprising to know but I do struggle with colour rendering and colour choices, so I want to make the effort to do it more and be more flexible with it (but also omg why colour theory so hard 🥲)



Doggo Jacco

Aside from the pure love and attraction in the air, Enjis strong neck is making me bite my lips xD

Blue Rosa Art

I definitely try nowadays to make Enji's neck as thicc and meaty as Hori draws it so I'm glad that you are enjoying it! Oh the thought of Hawks leaving little love bites and hickeys all on Enji's neck >;Dc