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Late but finished! I got ill over the weekend so I had to take things slowly. Not sure what my brain was thinking, this artwork turned out to be a very red one xD I swear this will be the last red/pink themed artwork for this month!
I think I was trying to think of it as like a Roman style AU where Hawks is some sort of god and Enji is a Priest maybe? My brain went to weird places thinking about the origin stories of Valentine's day being related to the execution of a roman priest named Valentine etc.

Either way, Happy (belated) Valentine's day everyone, and I hope your Feb 15th Discount chocolate & flowers day was also a good one! 💝🍫💐
Next up I'll be trying to get that Enho nsfw comic done 💪



Emerald Light

Maybe he's Eros or Priapus 👀

Loud Parrot

Those are some very good titties

Blue Rosa Art

starting to wonder if I should of made them a bit bigger and squishy, ah well, I draw and I learn for next time I guess haha xD

Loud Parrot

large milky tiddies. Set Enji up as a cow and Hawks as the farmer. -Bricked-

Blue Rosa Art

LOL oh thats next month, don't worry they will be large and very in charge tiddies haha xD

Doggo Jacco

Enji is literally built to be tittie fucked, so thank you for the representation 😩💕

Blue Rosa Art

Oh you have no idea. I have a WHOLE COMIC IDEA where it's just Hawks discovering that he can indeed get a tit job from Enji (even if Enji isn't awake for all of it) but yeah he does have some very lovely chest pillows 🤤🤭