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Hello everyone!

Firstly just really want to say thank you guys so much for being so patient with me as I battle with my health.
As promised here is a bit of a small update.

I went to the doctor today because I needed him to reword my referral to get an MRI so that some of the healthfund I'm on can cover the expenses since MRI's can cost anywhere from $300 - $1000 if you are paying out of pocket.
While I was there he also spoke to me about what turned up on my blood work which, unfortunately really just strongly supported I need to get the MRI.
Basically he said that a hormone that my pituitary gland makes is very high (prolactin) and that he wants me to get the MRI as soon as possible as he explained to me that I may have a tumour on my pituitary gland which would be causing my current health issues, which you can imagine it was scary to hear, cause no one wants to hear they may possibly have a brain tumour.
He also noted that my iron levels were well above normal and that he wants further bloodwork to confirm whether I have a blood condition called Haemochromatosis.

So, basically I still have a lot of tests going forward, as well as I still been having mild headaches that I've been trying to manage with painkillers.

Because of my poor health and how it's been affecting my ability to sit and draw, I will be pausing patreon billing for the month of April, and you will all get the month of April  for free on me (if you wish to continue being subbed to this patreon), as my way of apologising for March's lacking of art posts thus far.

Thankyou all for sticking with me and always being so supportive, it means a lot, especially right now. I'll give an update health-wise once I've done the MRI and we find out one way or another if I have a tumour.


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