Update from me and a question for you all (Patreon)
Hi everyone, Hiros here. I wanted to make a short announcement regarding a topic that's been on my mind.
It’s no secret that I had a lot to do lately and that therefore my uploads, especially on Patreon, have been rather slow. The current projects I am working on are just rather huge, with No Nagisa Hypnovember and the Mansion Event story taking up the majority of my writing time.
And of course IRL being a bitch, but what can you do?
The main topic I wanted to talk to you about is what I will affectionately call the “2am stories”. As you guys probably know, staying up late does some weird things to one's fantasy. And it just so happens that my fantasy kinda goes wild when it's getting really late. As in, really wild.
A while back I just started writing my fantasies down into an AI writing assistant, since even if I don’t have the brain power to write anymore, I can still have the brain power to horny. And it worked surprisingly well, with only really 1 issue.
Those stories don't exactly have the quality I like my stories to have. The characters feel inconsistent sometimes, there isn't really much plot and overall the word choice can be weird at times.
Even still, those fantasies are things that I want to share and someday rewrite and improve, so that good stories can be made from them. Because right now, they are only horny, but I can see most of them making for good stories too. Also horny is good, right?
So my idea was to make a “2am story” tag separate from my usual stuff and make that accessible to every tier of my patreons. Those stories are lower in quality, but higher in horny.
I put quite a lot of time and effort into those stories, so I feel like it would be a waste not to share them. I would really like to work over them and improve them fundamentally, but improving something fundamentally naturally takes a lot of time and brain power, which I currently just don't have.
But I really want to hear your opinion on it. What do you guys think of the “2am stories” and my method of sharing them? Comments are very much appreciated.