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In the corner of the staff room, a dark cloud quickly manifested, though the mermaid that was already inside and applying her makeup barely batted an eye. It was clear to her that this could only be the work of the top manager and master of this amazing interdimensional casino. So she bowed slightly, when a dark skinned woman in a formal suit stepped out of the misty portal.

“What is on the agenda today?” Nagisa asked, her high heels clacking as she stepped towards the mermaid.

“Coming up real soon is your impromptu magic show, so you should probably get ready for that. And right after will be my performance in the arcade, which is why I am getting ready as well.” The mermaid answered, barely turning away from her mirror.

“Have you organized something for those two boys I just brought in? The ones with the golden tickets?” Nagisa asked with a big smile.

“Yes, as soon as they hit the arcade, I promise they will become great assets for the night… and also be allowed to have fun. The thing is… we have kinda lost one of the two.” The mermaid confessed, kinda embarrassed. Nagisa looked at her confused.

“Look, they split up. One of them walked directly into the arcade while the other went towards the laser tag maze. He just… didn’t come out from the exit, and when I checked, he wasn’t inside anymore. I literally have no idea where he went.” The mermaid spoke and turned around for the first time. The alarm went off, causing both women to turn towards it and subsequently giggle.

“He will show up again. I have to go to the showtime stage. See you again in about half an hour.” Nagisa spoke and with a grand hand movement, a big top hat, an extravagant cape and a fake mustache appeared to disguise her. And then she vanished into a dark mist, just the way she had appeared before.

“The grand impromptu magic show is about to begin! Everyone take your seats~” Nagisa spoke with her best impression of a male’s voice. Could she just change herself to be male and have a real manly voice? Yes. Was it more fun to stay a woman and pretend? Yes.

Yet, as she was having a lot of fun with her act, she spotted something that just made her laugh on the spot. She wasn’t exactly sure why he would be here, as the Laser tag maze was on about the other side of the casino, but for some reason, Nick, of all people, was wandering around in the massive audience crowd.

It gave her an idea~

“Step right up! Step right up!” Nagisa, with her fake voice, shouted into the crowd, making sure she wasn’t making it too obvious that she was specifically looking at Nick. “Any of you lovely people want to be my assistant for tonight?”

A lot of people, mostly children raised their hands, yet Nick seemed to try to get away. Well, too bad for him~

“Ah, going so soon? The show hasn’t even begun yet!” She said and twirled her staff, making ‘gray’ smoke clouds appear all over Nick and then, with a sudden POOF, teleported him on the stage next to her. It was important that those clouds just looked like regular smoke, otherwise her true identity would have been revealed. Hehe~

“Wait, what the-?” Nick said with a gasp, while Nagisa gave a bow to the crowd who cheered at her first magic trick. She was sure that he was trying to get off the stage as soon as possible, so she waited for him to speak up again. “Sorry, but I’m a bit busy-”

“Busy with what? Who comes to a carnival and suddenly needs to leave for work?” Nagisa laughed as the crowd cheered with her. It was impressive how much control she had about this unforeseen situation.

“Alright, I’ll play along.” Nick sighed as he shrugged. And with that, Nagisa knew she had won and could start this fantastic show.

“Give it up for Nick!” She declared and the crowd went wild at her words. Though she might have made a small oversight. “Wait, how do you know my name-”

“As for our first trick, I’ll be doing a classic!” No time to answer questions that would give her identity away, it was time for the first trick. She pulled off her hat and showed everyone that it was indeed empty. But that really didn’t matter to her as when she reached into the hat, she just materialized a pair of bunny ears in her hand, acted like she pulled them out of her hat and slapped them on Nick’s head. The crowd always loved those kinds of tricks~

“Oops, didn’t mean to go too hard! Tehe~” Nagisa teased and turned to look at Nick as she let her magic flow through the bunny ears.

His clothes pretty much changed in one continuous wave from top to bottom. The shirt and pants he wore quickly fused together into one bright green jumpsuit, only to shrink to become a lot tightened and show off his legs and arms very well. Then a bowtie appeared on his neck while some cufflet gloves made their home on his hands.

So people would say that Nagisa just turned his clothes into those of a bunny girl waitress.

…and those people would be correct, as with a snap, a round bunny tail sprouted from just above his behind, completing his sexy uniform.

“On to the next trick~” Nagisa declared, making Nick roll his eyes. Thanks to a little bit of mind manipulation, he had yet to realize what had happened to him. So the show continued.

“My dear assistant. Would you mind wearing this hat for me while I go and get the rest of the props?” She said, took off her head and placed it on top of Nicks. He didn’t exactly look impressed, but at least he was playing along.

“Great, now where did I leave the…” Nagisa muttered into the microphone for all to hear, while walking in a circle around the stage. Until she finally said. “Ah, I remember where I put it~”, snapped and made something that looked like a gymnastics bar appear on the other side of the stage. The crowd was, of course, very impressed.

“My dearest assistant. Do you mind fetching that bar for me?” Nagisa turned to Nick with a mischievous smile, who was still confused why he was still wearing her hat.

“Yes, mistress!” He let out involuntarily and walked over to the bar. It made Nagisa remember how much fun it was to mess with Nick. But he did good on the command, pushing the bar over to the middle of the stage without any issues at all.

“Good job~ And thank you for holding my hat~” Nagisa sang and picked up the hat from the top of Nick's head again. Yet the moment she lifted it up, a giant wave of long hair cascaded down Nick's back, giving him the long and beautiful hair he objectively deserved. But after Nagisa put on her hat again, she stretched out her hand again and held out a set of two bunny ears. It made Nick realize that he was no longer wearing his pair on the top of his head, and his face was priceless.

“Now then, as you can see there is nothing between those two bars, right?” Nagisa spoke as Nick put on his bunny ears again, but then looked confused. He looked at the bar again that he had moved forwards, and quickly noticed what the trick with this one was: You could only see the connecting bar from behind.

“When I count to three, my assistant here will do something… magical~” Nagisa spoke and winked at Nick, who after looking blank for a second, nodded understandingly. Nagisa started the countdown. “1… 2… 3~”

Nick jumped to grab the bar just as Nagisa had hoped for, and just as she had planned his chest rapidly inflated like two water balloons on a hose, making the moment he hung from the ‘invisible’ bar very bouncy for him. And even better was that because he thought he knew the trick, he really didn’t notice that there was a bit of extra weight on his chest now~

“Great job, my assistant~ You can let go if you want~” Nagisa said, winking at Nick again. But when Nick let go Nagisa’s next trick was already in full motion. That was because he landed in a sort of magician’s box, with only his head visible on the top and his feet visible on the bottom. And he was kinda stuck in there.

“Oh my, what lovely legs you have there. Let me look at them a bit closer~” Nagisa said, and split the box cleanly in half with a sword like saw, making the lower part of the box with his legs roll to the side as if pulled by an invisible force. And with a snap, Nagisa made both boxes see through in an instant, making both Nick and the rest of the audience gasp at what they saw. Because Nick really looked like he was sawed in half except… he was still alive and moving his feet a bit.

“Let me polish these up a bit~” Nagisa said and released her assistant’s feet from the box for a second and started to rub them with a towel and some shampoo that she had materialized out of nowhere again. Everyone still was way too distracted by the bottom half that seemingly had a mind of its own, but Nick's facial expressions in response to Nagisa touching the legs, made the magic trick all the more genuine.

Though what no one seemed to notice was that while Nagisa was cleaning Nick’s legs and hips, she was also subtly changing them as well. Nothing much, just making them hairless, creamy while giving his hips a hefty size increase. Then she just casually polished his manhood away and now she had officially a real bunny ‘girl’ as assistant.

“Oh dear. How could I lose myself in this? You probably need your legs back, right?” Nagisa acted as shocked and clumsy as she could, then moved the legs back into the box and the box back to Nick's upper body. And with a soft click, the entire box opened up again, revealing to everyone that Nick was not only complete, but also safe and sound. Just with some new killer hips now.

“For our final trick of the night, I’m going to make my assistant disappear!” Nagisa announced after the crowd calmed down a bit again. It was clear from the expression of ‘Nicole’, that she was enjoying herself and the magic quite a bit, so now it was time for a grand finale.

Nagisa manifested a blanket in her hand that was easily large enough to cover an entire person and threw it onto Nicole such that nothing of her body could be seen by any of the audience members.

“And now watch as my assistant makes her disappearance!” Nagisa announced and with a snap of her fingers, the blanket fell to the ground as nothing was beneath it anymore.

That was, of course, because Nagisa had teleported Nicole away from the stage, far above where the audience ever would dream to look. Up in the air, Nicole started panicking a bit, as one would when falling down a seemingly endless pit. But what she didn’t notice was that her body started to change once again.

Nicole's butt started to harden and push outwards, creating an insect-like abdomen as it expanded backwards. Her clothes also adjusted to her enormous butt, though luckily for Nicole there wasn’t really much covering his ass anyway to begin with.

But her ass didn’t seem to stop growing anytime soon and as it did, even her legs started to get affected by it, as they moved more to the side and grew thinner, pointier and more fragile. After just a short while, they didn’t even look like they could lift her body anymore, but that's when a second pair of equally thin legs started growing right behind them.

Thankfully, Nicole was in the air so she didn’t have to worry about tripping with her ever changing footing since there is no ground beneath her now six feet, as another pair started to grow right behind the last one.

It was then that on her forehead a small change happened. Nothing major, just four new eyes opening up to give her spider-like vision. Which was quite fitting as in the same moment, the last additional pair of legs finished growing, leaving her with four pairs of legs in total, located on a giant spider-like thorax. It also had a lovely flower-like pattern appear on its back.

The moment she knew the transformation was finished, Nagisa shouted into the audience again. “Who of you already misses my dear little assistant? I certainly do! How about I make her appear in front of us again?!? Please welcome, with a roaring applause, Nicole, my super spider assistant!”

Nagisa teleported Nicole to the ceiling of the hall and made her fall down from it, because she knew that arachnes would always land on their feet unharmed. But Nicole actually even did one better, as she not only broke her fall with her spider web on instinct, but also posed after her spectacular landing. A true show-woman to say the least. Even Nagisa had to applaud her for that landing along with the cheers of the crowd.

The show was a complete success! The audience was cheering like crazy for the mysterious magician and the sexy arachne in a bunny girl costume on stage. And the cheers grew even louder as the two of them bowed to the audience and the magician ended the show with a few final words.

“Thank you everyone for coming here today~ This show of magic might be over, but that doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the night yet! In about half an hour the multiverse's finest deep sea diva is going to perform her songs for you over in the arcade! You really don’t want to miss it! But this is it for me.” She said and raised her head to look into the crowd.

“It was an honor to be allowed to perform here today for you and as always, good night and may Nagisa bless you~” She said, gave the audience a twirl and then the stage-lights went out and the curtain closed slowly but surely. However, at the moment when Nicole could no longer see the audience through it and turned to ask the magician a few of her questions, nothing but a puff of smoke was left of her.

“By the way, I have found Nick. I had some fun with him on the showtime stage.” Nagisa said, taking off all of her additional accessories one by one in a very unmagical way.

“Oh really? Guess I can tell the girls that they can stop looking for him then.” The mermaid answered, brushing her hair aside and turned towards the goddess in a business suit. “If you want to hear some good news as well, then you might be interested to hear that Tina is currently playing arcade games with your brother. You might wanna check that out.”

“That is great to hear~ Guess I know where to go undercover next~” Nagisa spoke as dark mist started to cover her again.

“Bye Boss! See you when I go live.” The mermaid waved as Nagisa disappeared, ready to mess with the other special guest~


This is the amazing 6 part story from Hiros' and Nick's adventure into Nagisa's somewhat special casino. 

Pic belongs to me an Nimue~


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