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The end of the month is coming closer and therefore the next meeting of priests is as well. Where do you want it to happen?

The Idea that I came up with this time is for the priests to run bakeries, food stalls or restaurants, where people who eat there get turned into their loyal employees. And with a touch of friendly competition among those stalls as well.

Suggest your locations here. I'll throw them all in a poll here on patreon and on DA.

A few things to clarify: 

Every Patreon can suggest a location or situation that they want the meeting to happen.

Everyone on Patreon and DA may vote after the selections have been locked in.

All people in Nagisa's priest tier or higher (5€ tier) then have the opportunity to send me the name of their character and a picture of what they would like to turn into, but do not need to to send me HOW the transformation needs to occur.

And I will work my magic afterwards~

Also, as a side note: I will write a max of 3 caps or stories, regardless of the number of Priests, but I WILL include every single priest and their new forms.

So get your new forms ready, by loyal followers~


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