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ProfessoR Request:

Epilogue to A Miraculous Recovery (Tg):

It was the evening of a snowy day once again. Christmas had passed without a hitch and the days after, it also went a lot smoother than Relania could have ever imagined. Yes, she had run into a few smaller issues along the way, like the fact that she still hadn’t 100% internalized that she now was a girl yet or that her enormous snake tail sometimes got in the way of her work. And that's not even mentioning her oversized curves!

But all in all, she was more than happy with her new life, and that mostly boiled down to two factors: With her little teashop being over four times bigger than before, it never felt as overcrowded as it did in the past, returning that cozy feeling she so loved about her work. Moreover, she was no longer alone…

“Shops all closed up~,” The lamia with the massive bust announced, then turned to look up to the second floor where her coworker was still cleaning. “Need some help up there, Jane?”

“Would be appreciated, Mary!” The other much more bottom-heavy lamia shouted back, giving Mary a small wave with her hand. Relania just smiled as Mary quickly slithered up the stairs, making the shop owner think about how much less effort that usually tedious action took for snake girls like them. But hey, having a snake tail had to have its advantages over human legs, right?

“Alright, girls! Good work today, but I am a bit tired. I’ll head into the backroom real quick and then into my room. You are free for the rest of the day!” Relania exclaimed, getting back a “Mkay,” sung in unison by her two employees. She then headed towards the back of the restaurant, where her new room was located now - because, apparently, the restaurant upgrade came with that too. But before she could slither through the door…

Ring ring ring

“Huh? I thought I closed up shop?” Relania muttered to herself shortly after the bell to her shop had rung. A bit surprised, she turned around to look at the guest(s) that had come inside, getting ready to shoo them away since her tea shop was closed for the day. Yet when she saw who the mysterious final guest was, her eyes went wide.

“Yahoo~! Miss Relania~!” The goddess Hera herself had entered the shop, waving energetically at the shopkeeper. “I thought I might check in on you today, since I have heard so much about your amazing tea. Do you mind having us, even if it's after hours~?”

“Oh, good evening! Uhm… Of course, no, no, I don’t mind! Ehm… Uh… M-Mary! Jane! Prepare a table for those… two?” Relania commanded, to which the two lamias above immediately responded. Although the goddess’ presence was quite thrilling on its own, Relania was still much more intrigued by the second person that Hera had brought along with her.

It was a somewhat dark-skinned girl with orange hair, wearing a black shirt and a surprisingly stylish pair of jeans. She somehow also emitted that same sort of otherworldliness that Relania had previously only known from Hera, but the weirdest part was-…

…had she met that girl before?

“Table 2 is ready for you,” Mary called out, adapting quickly and guiding the two special guests to their table.

“Ah~. This will be so amazing!” Hera said, stretching all four of her arms simultaneously, before letting herself down on a chair. “Can’t wait to try out that Christmas blend everyone is talking about after a hard day of work!”

“Agreed,” the dark skinned girl spoke. “Especially after you hyped it up so much.”

“So I am assuming you want a Christmas blend each?” Relania asked, really unsure how to talk to her unique guests. Those two might as well both be goddesses for all she knew, so she felt kinda justified in being nervous.

“Yup~! Also, do you mind sitting down with us for a while? I am really curious about a few things and I feel like the same is true for you~,” Hera stated with her signature big grin on her face, though there really was no malice behind it. Therefore, Relania grabbed herself a chair and joined the guests at the table, after motioning to Jane to make tea for them.

“Oh? They seem to have really grown on you,” Hera let out, shooting an even bigger grin at Relania than she did before. “I mean, wordless commands already? You had them for one week max so far~!”

“Uhm… They are-…” Relania really didn't know what to say to that, but thankfully, the dark-skinned girl interrupted her.

“Of course they knew what to do. You didn’t turn them into mindless servants, after all, but into intelligent companions. Being able to think for themselves is part of the course, you know?” she answered, lightly pushing her elbow into the big four handed snake goddess’ side, before turning to face Relania.

“In any case, I think it's time for introductions. My name is Nagisa Fulkami and I wanted to thank you again for saving me. As much as it pains me to admit it… I was the snek you saved back then, in case you remember,” Nagisa spoke, sounding a bit embarrassed about the whole thing.

“So you were the-… Uhh, no problem, but why-…?” Relania let out as Jane approached from behind, three cups of tea in hand.

“Long story, not very important,” Nagisa sighed, but then smiled at the bottom-heavy lamia and allowed her to serve tea to everyone, including Relania.

“Here is your tea~! I hope you enjoy~,” she said, then dashed away, seemingly knowing that she probably shouldn't eavesdrop on their conversation after this point. But before Relania could accidentally stare after the curvy girl, her attention was immediately pulled back to the goddess sitting in front of her, because she let out a moan of earthshaking proportions.

“Mhoa~! This is- is- IS SOOO GOOOD!” she shouted and the earth rumbled slightly with her. Nagisa then smacked her on her head to sit her back down on the chair again.

"Whoops. Sorry~! While most Lamias tend to have weaker taste buds, I made mine a bit more sensitive~. Means I get to enjoy my food and drinks more~. And this stuff is amazing~! Hehe~,” Hera laughed and Nagisa looked like she wanted to smack Hera another time, but then just looked at Relania.

“Yes, this tea is truly amazing. My compliments to you. Now, I heard you might have a couple of questions for us. It would be the right time to ask them, don’t you agree?” Nagisa stated and winked at Relania, who then had to gulp.

“Thank you both very much for your compliments. And, uhh, if you say so… Uhm…” She had to think for a moment what sort of questions she even wanted to ask the goddess that changed her life so strongly. “Why did you turn me into a girl? The snake part I get, but not so much the… Uhm…” Relania bounced her chest with her hands nervously. “...the bouncy part.”

“Because that’s our thing~! Hehehe~,” Hera replied, shrugging her shoulders as she laughed it off. Nagisa on the other hand suddenly answered the question on a much more serious note: “Hera only does it because she loves turning guys into girls. And while that is also true for me to some extent, I partially only do it to keep my humanity. Turning girls stronger and more monstrous than guys was my biggest passion back when I was human, so this is my attempt to keep that part of me, no matter how many years pass.”

“Uhm, okay… But why so big?” Relania added, padding first her inhumanly wide hips and then bouncing her beachball-sized breasts to prove a point.

“Because I had planned to give those two the treatment of ‘big butt’ and ‘big tits’ from the very start, and felt like you, as their master, should overshadow both in both categories~,” Hera happily explained, leaving Relania speechless for a few seconds. But what she said was true - Relanias butt was bigger than Jane’s and her breasts were also bigger than Mary’s.

“Well… To my own surprise, I came to like them very much, actually. So I guess the right response would be to say: Thank you?” Relania replied, making Hera laugh.

“However, there is one thing that I haven’t told you yet about your and those girls' new bodies~,” Hera giggled, finishing her cup of tea before standing up and looking at the confused Relania with a big grin.

“If you touch the nipples of the top-heavy maiden, she will melt in your arms. If you play with the butt of the bottom heavy one, her moans will fill the entire room. But if both decide to molest you in both places at the same time, then the pleasure you feel will make you unable to muster even an ounce of strength. As a result, they can turn the table on you, if you are naughty~!”

“Eh?” Relania let out, as Nagisa also got up while wearing a somewhat knowing smile.

“If you don’t believe me, try it. Though I wonder how those two will react when they find out they can give their mistress the ultimate pleasure if they worked together~,” Hera winked at Relania as she slithered towards the door, Nagisa right beside her. “Anyway, your tea was absolutely legendary. I definitely plan to come again in the future.”

“Me too. It was great,” Nagisa spoke shortly, before giggling to herself. “Now try to keep your moans tonight at a reasonable volume, okay?”


“Well, see ya~!” Hera waved as she left the shop.


“Yes. Until then,” Nagisa added upon following Hera, the door magically locking itself afterwards.

“Eh?!? They weren’t serious, right?” Relania said, but then felt intense gazes burning into her back: The two waitresses were staring at Relania with lusty grins.

“So if we just…”

“...then we can turn all your worries into pleasure?” the two spoke, finishing each other's sentences. Relania was suddenly very, very worried for her safety.

“Wait! Girls, hold on! We can talk about this, right? Right?”

“Nope~!” “Time for us to please you even more~!”


The next day, Relania woke up having learned a few crucial lessons for her life. Firstly, those two girls, Mary and Jane, really had the best for Relania in their minds, always trying to please and serve her as best as they could, while just in general being her best friends.

Secondly, Hera was definitely the goddess of mischief. After this night, there was no mistaking it anymore or any longer.

And thirdly… She had previously believed it to be pure fiction that people could feel so good that they were helplessly paralyzed by their attackers, or could actually moan uncontrollably, for that matter.

…well, she knew better now.

Although that kinda made her want to see how Mary and Jane would react if put into that position themselves... After all, Relania now knew what their weak points were as well.

Hehe~… Oh boy, tonight was definitely time for payback~! Hehehe~.

It seems like the story of Relania and her two lamia friends isn’t quite finished yet. After all, a certain goddess has yet to taste their legendary christmas blend~


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