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The location has been decided, and it shall be...

...the place where guns are smoking all day, everyone is an outlaw and somehow every town isn't big enough for 2 people. I am of course talking about the old west, where I think a lot of things are going to be ruffled up when a bunch of monster girls appear.

Let's see what kind of monsters will rule the west!

So, to all priests (Tier 5€ or above) out there, prepare your most godly monster girl forms, because this time you be going up to the place that every mortal wishes to visit one day.

For all that want to participate, you will have two options this time around:

1.) Name your participating character, his female name after transforming, and a picture of what she should look like afterwards. Send all of that to me and then you are golden.

2.) Name your participating character, his female name after transforming, and tell me that you don't want to descide on a final form. In this case the choice will ultimatly fall in my hands and the final result will be somewhat a surprice to you.

The deadline for this is until the 28th of February.

I look forward to this wild trip. And as always: May Nagisa bless you!



How's it work? Do message somewhere specifically?


Yes. If you want to join the meeting of priest, send me a Dm on either Patreon or discord with a picture of what you want your character to transform into, a male and a female name.