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Hello everyone, Hiros53 here. As you all probably know by now I was VERY busy these last few weeks and barely had time to write or work on anything. That sadly included the priest stories, which I am still sad about, because those tend to be very fun stories to write. In a week from now, I will be free from everything, with every exam and project of my college behind me for a good while.

After talking it a bit over on my discord server, we have come up with the idea of how to handle the priest stories for June. To put it simply, there will be no priest story being worked on until the 7th, which means the June priest story will be moved and take place in July. But, we can do the preparation work starting today, which is why I am happy to announce and explain how the June priest story is going to work.

The theme this time around is Casino, so pull out your best bunny suits and gambler girl pictures, because this one will be fun.

The priest story this time around will have the following steps:

Step 1.) Anyone in the patreon tier Nagisa’s Priest (5€) or higher gets to submit a Picture of what they would like to turn into, a male name and a female name. (The same as always.)

Step 2.) The picture will then be posted in the brand new and revamped #Caption-this channel of our server, where everyone in the server will have the opportunity to write a 50-200 word caption about those pictures.

Step 3.) I will then try to take all of those captions written by the people and stuff them into a coherent priest story. I might need to change a few things about the captions, but I'll try to take at least the spirit of what was written into the story the best I can.

A few things to clarify:
- I am only taking the caption I think is the best, as two or more people are probable to write a caption about the same picture. I might also take none, If I think all of them are unusable.

- The revamp of the #Caption-this channel will mainly be hosted by one of our mods, not by me. And while I will definitely be the one who hosts this event, talk to my mod Kiri Kasei if you have any questions or suggestions about the channel.

- This is just the June priest story. The July priest story will follow in… well… end of July.

There will also be a reward for those who write captions for this event. The one who I think wrote the best caption out of all of the contestants, gets to join the priests on their casino trip.

Deadline of submitting pictures as well as captioning will be 07.07.2023

If any questions or suggestions come up, feel free to ask them.

But as always, may my college year finally come to a successful close and my Nagisa bless you all~


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